Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why astrology is not a science?

Why astrology is not a science?

Eyebrows raised? read the question again.

There are mis-beliefs more than beliefs about astrology. But still people visit astrologers for solutions on their problems when all other scientific methods fail. These mis-beliefs starts from the moment they read their birth horoscope casted by some family astrologer or printout taken from some astrology software in a cybercafe, that has predictions about one’s life. When people compare these pages with their real-life events and understand that events happened in their life does not matches with their birth horoscope, its natural for them to come to this conclusion that Astrology is not a science and more over its not perfect at all. But then one should think about this again.

If its not a science then why it has lasted for so many centuries. Nothing is immortal in this world. The things, technology, culture, lifestyle, fashion that does not fits in this world, which is not perfect has not lasted for so long. Even scientific theories that were considered correct were proven wrong afterwards and were changed. If astrology is not a science and perfect in its sense, then how it has survived for so long?

A patient dies in the hospital in spite of good medical treatment. Cause may be, doctor’s mis-diagnosis of a disease, his mental and physical health not supportive for medicines and treatment or may be no cure has been found till date for the disease. But then nobody blames the Medicinal Science. People blame the doctor or the company that manufactured the drug or the management of the hospital but have you heard anybody saying that this science of life, drug, medicine is fake and its not a science at all?


Then if some Jyotishi’s (astrologer’s) prediction fails then how a complete Astrology can be wrong and blamed for. Actually its the astrologer who has failed and not the astrology. The reasons of failure can be wrong methods, wrong data used to calculate and cast horoscope, or even the timings could be wrong.

All technologies, sciences are based on maths. Maths is also behind drug formulation and genetics. Its behind aeroplanes, cars, space shuttles. Even a planet (Pluto) was discoverd only on the basis of maths. After deciding its location, based on mathematical computation, it was accurately seen at that location from telescopes. Similarly, maths is the core of astrology. Without mathematical computation one cannot erect/cast a correct horoscope. Panchang’s (Ephimeries) used in erecting horoscopes perfected with the help of mathematical calculations only. “Aynamsha” used to convert sayan charts to nirayan charts is nothing but the speed with which Axis of the earth is declining each year and is mathematically computed correctly. Rahu, Ketu are considered as the nodes in Astrology, and they are are defined as the intersection points between axis of rotation of earth and axis or rotation of moon.

If Astrology is based on Maths and Astronomy, then how can one say that this is not a science. I agree that, similar to other scientific theories required more research and were perfected or agreed upon by the masses only after thorough research, further research is required in Astrology as well. But, very few mathematicians and modern highly educated scholars, do this.

Let me give you one present day example. A research is going on, on a BIG-BANG theory by spending enormous amount of money and human efforts. But, consider the fact that still Big-BANG is just a theory and not a proven reality. When people are willing to spend so much money and efforts just to check whether, this theory is correct or not, why occult science like Astrology is left aside?

In my next post I’ll try to present my thoughts on “Why horoscopes give wrong predictions?” or “Why Astrologer fails?”

I also request your comments and views on this subject matter.

thanks and regards

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Tags: astrologer, astrology, astronomy, ephimery, horary, jyotish, kp, krishnamurthy, krishnamurty paddhati, kundali, kundli, maths, nirayan, occult, panchang, patrika, prediction, Predictions, science, vedic

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