Sunday, April 15, 2012

Colours of Canadian Federal Elections 2011

This election appears to be all about which leader and the platform seems secondary. There has been little information about the other candidates, other than those caught doing something… On a purely subjective front, I must say I was most impressed with Elizabeth May, when she was interviewed by CBC. What a breath of fresh air… Ironically I received two voter cards, so perhaps the Universe is saying I can have my say twice. So I thought I’d take one last look at the chart for the vote to bring down the government and the one for closing of the polls on Election Day. The short version is that everything thus far indicates a minority government with some potentially significant shift in the number of seats.

On Election we still have half the planets opposing Saturn for Harper from Aries the challengers, Mars in Aries is in charge of the gang. Uranus for Layton has advanced rapidly since the election was called, and is well placed (at 2°50’ of Aries and in the 6th house of service and hard work, in the triplicity of the Sun (for the leader), which is in steady Taurus and in the bounds of Jupiter representing increase. So chances are Layton will gain ground; maybe even significantly—might even be enough to shock the pollsters.

So let’s begin by looking at Layton’s planet—Uranus; his recent rise in popularity is surprising most politicos, which is a concept right up Uranus’ alley. Layton talks about choice in his primary message, and that might be more of a Uranus (+Jupiter) concept. And on April 26, the headlines talked about Layton revisiting the signing of constitution by Quebec, which we know to be a separatist province, Uranus does rule separation from unions. This simply re-enforces my choice of planet for him. Uranus is in Aries and has advanced fairly speedily over the past five weeks. The unrest swelled and escalated in North Africa after Uranus moved into Aries; Uranus is the planet associated with rebellion but also with surprising turns of events, and in Aries potentially a different direction. So Uranus will be accountable to the Sun and in the bounds of Jupiter. So potentially not the main job but increase in seats is highly likely; and it may shock us all.

Jupiter is the planet I chose for Ignatieff for a variety of reasons; it opposes Saturn for Harper, and echoes his career choice as a professor/educator/intellectual before turning politician (not a career one, if we pay attention to the latest TV commercial). Ignatieff’s message is represented by Jupiter, the planet associated with expansion, higher education and moral ethics (natural keywords for the planet). Jupiter is in Aries on Election Day as well, ruled by the Mars in its own sign of Aries—thus putting in a feisty fight. Jupiter has advanced very fast and has now reached the position Mercury held on March 25. So he got his message across about why the non-confidence vote was necessary but the new information didn’t have enough air time. Jupiter is joining the well-positioned Mars, which reports to the Sun from a position of strength. Jupiter is also in the sixth house of service and has dropped behind…and didn’t quite reach that Mars…this does not bode well for him winning his wish of being the PM.

I googled Elizabeth May, and found that she was born June 9, 1954 in Hartford, Connecticut and became a Canadian citizen in 1978. So I have added green to the colour dial… she just might win her seat. She is a Gemini sun with several planets in Cancer… and her Mars is exalted in Capricorn—what strength. In the event charts I thought I decided that she was represented by idealistic Neptune. Neptune by election time has changed signs—this might give her that coveted seat in the Parliament.

Harper’s message is clearly represented by Saturn, controlled and conservative (natural keywords for the planet). On the day of the election, Saturn is in its sign of exaltation, Libra, moving backwards i.e. strong but losing ground. It is influenced by Venus in Aries, which is the detriment of the planet—not great. Venus takes her cues from Mars in Aries, where Mars helps put in a good fight. Saturn has just risen above the horizon on Election Day; it is in its own triplicity, which spells lucky and in the bounds of slow Mercury, which might spell that Harper didn’t get enough momentum going to get his wish. Saturn has strong opposition, thus it won’t be an easy alliance…

On Election Day at close of polls, the Sun is in charge of the top job and has pulled away from the pack…so potentially enough seats to win, but chances are the vote splitting is amazing this go-around. The connection between the Saturn and the Sun is a tenuous one, which might suggest there is a new leader for the official opposition… Voters are represented by the Moon, which didn’t reach the Sun either, suggesting that a majority was not granted by the voters.

The chart on the left is the non-confidence vote. There is a gang of planets opposing Saturn in Libra. In this chart the ASC, i.e. the Sun would represent the person presenting the non-confidence vote. The exalted Sun in Aries is flanked by Uranus and Jupiter, so with the support of the other opposition parties. I chose to circle the planets with the party colour coding following the logic of my previous analysis of the candidates charts, however I had to leave the Greens out because I have no information on Elizabeth May, if I had to make an educated guess, I would likely choose Venus/Neptune for her—it is with Neptune in the March vote chart and she was left out of the National debates…In the March 25 chart cast for 14:18 in Ottawa, the Moon’s final aspect is to Neptune, which is about to change signs… moving into a better sign—Pisces, which would represent higher ideals. Moon was out of bounds at the time so unable to make other connections, and the Moon is on the move to a sign that is worse for her from a mundane astrology perspective.

Seeing that the Moon’s previous bodily aspect was to Saturn in Libra, I do suspect that there were meetings where agreements about a course of action depending on different scenarios. The connection of the Moon representing the public is moving to form a union with the Node, thus the public might want a change in direction, and the voter turnout might be bigger than expected. Mercury of communication was hugging the highest point, ready to change direction. Canadians have wiped out parties in the past… our national Moon is in Gemini and we as a collective tend to change our minds as to what direction is important to us.

Might there be some kind of tie between the leaders or the parties. The Sun on Election Day represents the PM, whoever that might be…on the day the government fell, the Sun represented the presenter of the non-confidence vote. The Sun has pulled away from the pack…and there is a dark of the Moon. The Moon hasn’t caught up to the Sun, which might be a message that the voters didn’t support the leaders enough to guarantee a majority.

Even this logic leads to a coalition government. The only one of the three planets with extra dignity is Saturn, thus I must assume that Harper gets the first kick at the can.  We might see yet another election in about 2.5 years… no clear winners here. There is a subtle mutual reception between the Sun and Venus… the Greens might get a seat or two.

View the original article here