Monday, April 9, 2012

Majority or Coalition

Coalition is a Venus concept, because it is about the ability to co-operate. Ignatieff has Venus with Mars in Aries, the sign that wants to go it alone. Think of Sinatra’s song “I did it my way”.  The pair of planets falls into the first house for Canada, indicating that he believes he is able to be the voice of Canadians. He is a Taurus Sun, just like Harper and both men also have the Moon in Aquarius. Venus is in charge of the sign Taurus. I don’t see him really wanting to form a coalition; he wants to be in charge. At the time he was declared the leader of the Liberals, Juno the contract-maker was influenced by Pluto of control, power and hostile take-overs. Now that same energy is being influence by rebellious Uranus, and if he fails to meet the expectations of winning his majority, not a coalition, I think he will walk away.

Harper has his Venus in Gemini, close to the Venus in Canada’s chart. Gemini is an adaptable and flexible sign, less so when we remember the tenacity and obstinacy that are strong traits in a Taurus person. He would form a coalition more readily, as his planets strongly tap into the innate energy is the national chart for Canada. He would adjust in order to have the country on secure economic footing. Harper’s contract maker is in Libra, the sign of co-operation, which is currently under the influence of Saturn, which would spell out that he would form a coalition but under duress. If he ended up with a coalition, I suspect he might pull away from his leadership role within a year or so.

Venus in the chart of Canada is in Gemini and part of that problematic yod in our chart. It will work in co-operation as long as the ideals are met and the end result increases our treasury, but only when between a rock and a hard place.

At the election call, Venus was with idealistic Neptune in the sign that represents the masses… By the time the election takes place Venus and Mars will be together in Aries, the sign that wants to go it alone…

Harper’s Venus is with Canada’s Venus and his Mercury is with our Neptune—these are the legs of Canada’s yod. On Election Day the majority is in Aries, the Moon and Sun with Harper’s Sun… it is the dark of the Moon just before the New Moon the next day. The majority of the planets oppose Harper’s agreement maker (Juno) suggesting he won’t be making an agreement or forming a coalition. Could leap in two different directions with this statement, he will lose his advantage or win his majority.

Ignatieff’s Venus-Mars pair will be joined up by the Jupiter-Mars pair on Election Day. The Venus-Mars in Aries suggest an ardent need to bring about change. Jupiter-Mars in transit is about resolutions, settlement of conflicts and rebellion against partnership differences.  

I am looking at how the energy of the two potential Prime Ministers connects with Canada’s chart and how this might play out and naturally I need to discuss ethics and the planets that reflect that in astrological chart. So once again, more later…

View the original article here