When i was in Nashik for a holiday, one of my mother’s friend asked me about her Sister staying in Patna. Her sister wanted a second child but there wish was not getting fulfilled for a long time. I told her that let her sister ask me this question on phone and then I’ll do astrological analysis of it. She did as I told and her sister asked me this question next day.
I returned back to Pune and after some days, when I got time, I erected the time chart for her question. The date was 31st January 2005 and time was 10:09 AM. The analysis of the chart is as follows:
In horary chart, cancer is in 5th house, signifying her wish of motherhood. Also moon placed in 7th house depicts second child (3rd from 5th). Hence the chart signifies her strong wish for motherhood and second child.Ascendant is Pisces and ascendant lord Jupitor placed in 7th house is aspecting ascendant. Strong Ascendant fulfills wish.Sub-lord of 5th house is Mercury is in Sun star. Mercury and Sun both placed in 11th. Hence Mercury is strong significator of 11th (fulfillment of Desires).Mercury is aspecting 5th house and Jupitor (significator of motherhood) is also aspecting mercury and 11th house with his 5th Aspect.Jupitor placed in 7th house (second child)Mercury is also sub-lord of 11th house (fulfillment of desires and gains)
Above points in the chart strongly signify that She will be blessed with second child as desired.
Child When? That can be predicted by studying the Dasa’s.
Mahadasa Lord Moon signify 7, 5. Moon in self star. Its sub-lord Venus in Sun star and Sun is placed in 11th house. As moon is placed in self star, he is strong significator of 7th (second child) and 5th (motherhood) houses. Also Jupitor is in conjunction with Moon. Jupitor and Moon both placed in 7th house. Jupitor is placed in Mars Star and Mars is significator of 2nd (family) house due to Mars sign at 2nd house.
Hence it can be concluded that Child birth will happen in Moon Dasa. Moon Dasa ends 1/1/2006.
Before proceeding further I took ruling planets on 11:36AM and they were as follows:
Asc. Star = Ketu,L = Mars ( rahu in mars sign)S = MoonR = MercuryD = MoonFirst Antardasa is of Venus, but since, Venus was not present in ruling and also Venus was significator of 6th (loss for 7th house), I ignored it.
Next Antardasa is of Sun and Sun placed in 11th house. Sun is placed in Shravan Star of Moon (care taking child) and Moon is strong significator of 5th and 7th. Jupitor from 7th house is aspecting Sun and 11th house. As Sun is strongly signifying Child and Motherhood, I decided to took Sun, although it was not present in the Ruling.
Sun Antardasa from 1/7/2005 to 1/1/2006
Now for Vidasa, I had to select either of Mars or Rahu and Ketu, as these were in Ruling. As per KP, nodes are stronger than planets.
Mars is in 9th house and its Signs are at 2nd and 9th house. Mars is placed in Ketu Star. Ketu in 7th house and in Venus sign. Venus in Sun star signifying 11th house. Dasa period (25/7/2005 to 6/8/2005).
Mars and Ketu signify operation, abortion.
Next vidasa is of Rahu also in Ketu Star and significator of 7,2 and 11. Rahu is also present in ruling as Rahu is in the sign of Mars. Rahu Vidasa starts from 5/8/2005 till 1/9/2005
Selected Vidasa’s
Moon – Sun – Rahu – Mercury: 17/8/2005 to 21/8/2005
Moon – Sun – Rahu – Ketu: 21/8/2005 to 23/8/2005
Since mercury is present in Ruling and also sub-lord of 5th and 11th house, we got two periods. Also I was surprised with such a short time period as ideally 9 months are required for child birth. Hence I decided to look at Moons transit and I got the answer.
Transiting Moon will be in Sagittarius on 5/6 February. There it will be in conjunction with Mars in the chart (Moon + Mars = Menses). But there it is aspected by 7th Aspect of Retrograde Saturn. Hence She will miss it. Also on 7th February, Moon will transit from Saturn sign Capricorn and will be in 11th house and their it will be aspected by 5th aspect of Jupitor (significator of motherhood).
This created a doubt that Jataka must me pregnant when I erected this chart. So I called he sister in Nashik and told her to confirm if her sister is pregnant already. She was unaware of this so she called her sister in Patna ad to her surprise her sister said that today she got the report from doctor saying that her pregnancy test is positive.
I told her sister in Nashik about the two dasa periods of mars and rahu where she should take extra precautions and care about her and her childs health and ended the call.
Read the same article in Marathi here.
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