Monday, February 27, 2012

Approaching the Astrologer - Part 1 of 3

There is a simple reason why most people generally cannot tell the difference between astrology, palmistry and psychic services. They never had the opportunity to be educated in it. Most people just never see themselves trying to read up in order to know more about these subjects. So they never get the best of astrology or the astrologers. Thus people don't know enough to talk about astrology yet they can't stop NOT talking about what little they know about it. Well no more. By the time you go through this article, you should be in a better position to relate to an astrologer more effectively.

To begin with, every astrologer needs to have the following minimum data: your sex at birth date birth time and birth place. Any astrologer doing your birth chart without these would not be doing astrology. It's just the basics. It's astrology. With palmistry you offer your palm. With astrology you offer your birth particulars. If your astrologer doesn't ask for them then he might be using some other model for his predictions but it won't be astrology. He might even be pretending. Also the sad part is if you don't have this data then don't go to astrologers. Go to a psychic or some other diviner using other models for their prediction. So do you have your birth data? Check this out first before you even search for an astrologer. And you should have them as reliable as possible because the honest astrologer's work will only be as reliable as the data that you provide him to work with.

The basic idea of needing your birth particulars is because he needs to calculate the astronomical positions for the time that you were born. How did the galaxy look like? That is what the horoscope is about. So the astrologer uses the birth particulars so that he is able to see the configuration of the planets in the zodiac during the precise moment of birth. Astrology uses the picture of the galaxy at your moment of birth as its model to make predictions. Candle-reading diviners use the "configurations" of the melting wax of the burning candle to "see" the things that they interpret into their predictions tea readers see how the tea leaves position themselves at the bottom of your cup to make their predictions and astrology uses the galactic configuration of the planetary bodies for its predictions. So imagine what happens when your astrologer does not get reliable birth particulars to work with? He simply does not get to see the accurate picture of the galactic configuration during the subject's actual birth moment and he simply would not be able to reliably relate what he sees to your true life experiences. So what do you want to do? You want your birth particulars (especially your birth time) as correctly possible.

Now one of the most riveting things in any personal horoscope is what we call the Ascendant. This is the precise degree in the chart that is the "moment of physical birth" based on the time and place of birth you provide. So aside from accurate birth time you want to give the accurate place of birth as well. So the place of birth should be as accurate as possible as well. Knowing the town will do. But if the town is not on the map then give the closest town on the map in order for the astrologer to obtain the latitude and longitude of the birth place. That's why he needs to know the town in the first place. But if you can give him the latitude and longitude of your birth place straight away he won't complain.

What happens if you don't even know your birth date? Then really don't go to an astrologer unless you're ready to go a lengthy process called Birth Rectification. That might take hours if not weeks plus a lot of interaction with you to confirm your most likely chart. What the diligent astrologer (difficult to find them for free) would have to do is to keep on fine-tuning some of your horoscopic positions. He would probably start by placing your ascendant somewhere he thinks relevant and with that he'd try to read the chart as a whole and see if it fits with your life events. If it doesn't or he thinks it's not conclusive enough he'd continue adjusting the chart with other "what if" positions. This part of the work is so specialized that some astrologers offer this service only to other professional astrologers who need this work done for their very important clients.

About the author: Dr Agni has been using astrology for 37 years and has taught astrology for free since 1986, every week, till today. He is adviser to the Institute of Astrological Science, Malaysia, with its website at

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Basic Introduction To Astrology

Astrology is without a doubt one of the most popular of the occult sciences in the world today. Think I'm kidding? All you have to do is open your front door, pick up the daily newspaper, open it up to the leisure section and there you will find your daily horoscope. In addition to newspapers, you'll also find this information in magazines, online, on the television and just about anywhere you go. In this article, we're going to cover the basics of astrology, as a comprehensive overview is way beyond the scope of any one article. Hopefully, after reading this, you'll have a pretty good idea if this is something that you want to get into. It is a most fascinating occult science.

The basis of Astrology stems from the planets in our solar system, as well as our own son. When we're born, these planets are all in a certain position. This is what determines our astrological sign at the time of our birth.. The sun and the planets all govern a different area of our lives.. This all goes back to Greek Mythology, as the Greek Gods all ruled different planets.

While the basics of astrology are actually very simple, putting together an astrological chart is not so easy. See, not only is your astrological chart based upon where the sun and the planets were at the time of your birth, but it is also determined by the actual spot on Earth where you were born. So two people born on the same day can have two completely different astrological charts. That's why astrology can get so complex.

Putting together the chart, however, is only half the battle. Once the chart is put together, there is the matter of interpreting the chart. This is further complicated by the fact that a person's chart actually changes over time because the position of the planets change over time. That is why we as human beings change over time and why many people can start out their lives as hardened criminals and end up going on to become men of God. The planets can play strange tricks on us as we go on.

Astrology readings are not just about predicting the future. They also tell us a lot about a person's character and what they're interests are. This information comes from the various houses of the Zodiac, which can take a literal lifetime to study.

As someone who has studied astrology for over 20 years now, I have never found the study to be dull. I have personally evolved so much over the 49 years that I have been on this planet, and there is no question that the planets have played a major role in my own development as a person.

If you're interested in learning more about Astrology, you can find an excellent resource in my signature that's loaded with free instruction that I try to update regularly.

Astrology is a fascinating occult science and one that I have enjoyed now for a very long time.

To YOUR Divination Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Please visit my Squidoo Lens on the World Of The Occult located at where you can learn a little bit about me and pick up some tips on just about every form of divination that there is.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Attracting Success Through Astrology Learning

Do you believe in luck? Do you believe that one's astrological sign can affect one's successes and failures in life in general? Do you think that if one learns to understand his position in astrology that he could use this in begetting success and removing failures from one's life?

If you answered yes to all three questions, you're either an astrologer or into astrology learning. Studying astrology and its many intricacies is popular because people are in the belief that one's astrological sign, one's zodiac sign, and even one's birth date can tell if the person bearing such a sign or born into this specific date and time will become successful or will fail in life. It is further said that one is able to attract success by learning the personality strengths and weaknesses of one's sign or the days that could be "bad" for a business deal or a job interview.

In other words, attract success through astrology learning. To start off, here are a few tips on how to learn astrology the best way and be able to carry out attracting success:

1. Be warned that learning basic or advanced astrology will not guarantee one that this knowledge will bring him the success he so long for. Think of astrology as a guide, as a kind of good advice that one may or may not take. Man was given freewill for a reason and this is one time that one could use this gift. You still have the last say. Remember, the stars are only there to become your guide; you still make your own destiny.

2. If astrology learning is what you're aiming for, be a consistently good student. Consistently because your study of astrology shouldn't be a selective one. Learn the basics first. Master it then move on to the advanced lessons. Master it. Memorize basic information. Use your senses. Open your third eye. Test the accuracy of your intuition. Listen to it. Be good at listening to it.

3. Be open-minded. Don't close your mind to mastering just one branch of astrology and in the process become biased to that branch which you were able to master. If you can, learn and master everything there is to learn and master about every branch or sub-branch there is in the pseudo-science that is astrology.

Now that you're ready to become the best student of astrology, enroll in a class now. Try looking up classes over the Internet. You could also check the local directory's Yellow Pages if there are astrologers in your area that are offering one-on-one astrology learning classes. However, if classroom-based lessons aren't your thing you could always buy a book on astrology and self-study. That could always work and just might get you to attract enough success. Good luck!

Grab the most updated information about your astrology learning with the best astrology compatibility resources. Check on the links provided for more information.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The First Steps in Grasping Astrology

As soon as you jump into the world of astrology, you discover how fascinating it is. But that fascination is often replaced by bewilderment. Astrology is a big topic. Don't try to grasp it all at once. Start with the basics.

Humankind and the Stars

Ancient civilizations like those of Egypt, Babylonia, Greece and India believed in a correlation between worldly matters and celestial events. This belief continues to this day in the minds of astrologers and astrology students. In earlier days, there wasn't a lot of thought given to the influence of the stars on individual persons; instead the affairs of state and especially the ruler (emperor, king) were considered more important. The earliest natal horoscopes were pretty sketchy. As time went on, the techniques of natal astrology - the study of astrological influences at the time of birth - became more and more advanced. People wanted to know their fortunes through astrology, so professionals would tell their fortunes through their astrological birth charts. In modern times, the majority of astrologers frown on blatant fortune-telling, preferring to take a more psychological approach.

Basic Language of Astrology

It's not that hard to grasp the basics of modern natal astrology, which is a lot simpler than traditional astrology. You only need to know four types of symbols in the astrological language: planets, zodiac signs, aspects and houses. There is more to it than that, of course, but those are all you need to start reading charts. (This leaves out computation of charts, for which you need astronomical background-- highly recommended.)

Imagine that you are a factory or maybe a business office. The planets are all the people who are involved in the workings of the factory or office. The zodiac signs are the roles they play, or rather, how they fulfill their roles in the business. The aspects tell how the people cooperate with one another. The houses are the various parts or departments of the building where they work.

To translate that into the human individual: Planets are dimensions of your being, each of whom have their own functions: Sun for ego, Moon for instinct, Mercury for communication, Venus for love, etc. Zodiac signs are powers that influence how the planets express themselves. Aspects are the relationships between the planets. Houses mark partitions in the horoscope that stand for fields of experience, like home, work, marriage, etc.

Kinds of Astrology

There's more than just natal astrology. Sooner or later, you'll want to explore other subjects such as forecasting, compatibility, divination and elections. Some of these are advanced and rely on more traditional rules than modern natal astrology. But whatever it is, astrology is fun and intriguing.

Many people are most eager to learn about what astrology has to say about love and marriage. The principles of astrological compatibility is similar to natal astrology - planets, signs, aspects and houses - but you need to be quite experienced in natal chart reading before you can confidently study compatibility charts. Everything begins with the birth chart, so start your journey there.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Astrological Choices - What Kind of Astrologer Will You Choose Or Choose to Be?

In any human issue category there is a huge number of service providers to choose from and astrology is no exception. Just put any category title into a search engine and you can get thousands or even millions of possibilities. On a moment of curiosity I just Googled my own name and got 4,120,000 entries. I had no idea I was that popular (me and every other name like mine). This staggering amount of information is so far beyond anyone's ability to research just one item meaningfully. Just how do you determine quality within such enormous quantity?

Since our subject is astrology and astrologers, does an astrologer have to be professional, accredited, famous, or just plain available? If you happen to be a budding astrologer you will have to make choices as to what kind of an astrologer you will become. Your choices will involve the services you offer to clients, your skill and credibility. plus personal motivations and goals. I am offering an overview of several considerations to help you make valid astrological choices for yourself and eventually for what you offer your clients. As you understand what underlies your own motivations and choices you should be able to apply the same reasoning to the choice of an astrologer to read you.

Motivation - Where are you coming from in your philosophic outlook? Do you see this as a service project, a way to make money, a profession, love of the study itself or some other basic personal drive? Are you more interested in self-help, fun, business, relationship, evolution, or other astrological technique? How does a study or work of this type fit into your personal belief systems? Personally you will need to resolve any inherent conflicts or face a lifetime of self-questioning. When choosing an astrologer to read for you, you need to be aware that they face the same questions in their own choices.

Personality - Are you clinical or a more personally sensitive person? Some readers are subjectively involved in their reading. Others readers prefer objectivity. Astrology provides a diagram, a personal map of an entity in wheel form that allows examination of their life. You can use the wheel in so many different ways. One of those is the choice between the subjective or objective approach. Do you prefer the personal approach or the arms-length approach? Do you want for yourself or do you want to provide others with a once a year reading done in a one-hour increment perhaps in writing or on a pre-recorded tape or even computer generated? Do you want for yourself or do you want to provide others personal access with the ability to call back with questions? Each of us is human and will choose the role most comfortable, the one that fits into our personal norms and provides us with good results. Look at your self first. How do you see yourself reading as an astrologer? Do you want to be the clinician or the sensitive when you read for others? Then take those questions a step further. What kind of astrologer would you choose to read for you? Do you want the clinician or the sensitive to read you?

Setting - Are you more comfortable in a business-like setting such as a formal office, for either seeing or becoming an astrologer? Are you more comfortable in a home-like atmosphere for being read by another or in doing a reading for another? Do you want strangers ((before the reading) inside your personal space because each person who enters our personal space whether they be astrologers or not bring their personal influence into our space. With the many years I have practiced astrology, I have read clients in both in a business and a personal setting and I have encountered myriad settings when someone reads me. We do what is available and what is comfortable to us. Perhaps your choices will involve the possibility of a setting, urban or rural, private or public, or availability of resource. Many students study in quiet because of religious or philosophical differences with their personal families and their extended or cultural families, Each of us have the choice of setting whether we are studying, or being read or we are reading for a client.

Learning Curve - When I started astrology I was self-taught, spending the first few years busting the books. I never realized there were teachers in my area so I did not have specific teachers. Later I started reading for others and eventually teaching others. If you can learn through this self-taught method, it is simply one specific way to learn. If you were fortunate enough to have a teacher or an established class it is just as valid and possibly much easier than my alone journey. One learning method is not better than another, it is just different. You should choose from what is available to you and feels the most comfortable to your own learning preferences. Students become astrologers by practicing their craft not just by reading or listening. Method and technique are just a means to an end. The proof will always be in the readings. This is true of your own information gathering and conclusions as well as the same learning curve in other readers.

Credibility - This should be a big issue astrologically. There are the usual issues of honesty, integrity, and respect for privacy. No one wants to encounter a scam artist, but they are out there in the same numbers as any other human activity. Just because someone presents themselves as spiritually motivated does not make it so. A spiritually motivated person acts spiritually, never dishonestly. Remember, I am describing both you and any outside counselor you choose to read you. You must be discerning...not judgmental, just observant and dispassionate in your choices. Trust your own instincts. If you feel uncomfortable with a reader, move on to find another. When you have a reading of any type, you allow another human being (potentially unknown game-changer) to walk around in your mind. You need to be comfortable in such choices. Having said all that about an outside reader, you need to face and develop those same credibility issues within yourself as you develop your skills and offer your services. It is important that you have honesty, integrity and respect for privacy. An individual's birth map in skilled hands has no secrets. Astrologers must be respectful of such trust. You have the right to expect that same respect when you put your birth map in the hands of another.

More on Credibility - Unfortunately as mentioned wherever there are humans there will be issues of misuse of information or skills. There are fakes and charletans in every category of humanity. Some people seem to be inherently dishonest and the field of reading is no exception. must be discerning. If you get burned, consider it an unfortunate life lesson and move on but do not repeat your poor choice or recommend others to that poor choice. Word of mouth advertising is both the best and the worst advertising possible. If you are damaged in any way (financial damage is the least of your concerns), go for remedy or healing as soon as possible. Don't let a problem fester from something minor into something major over time.

If you encounter one who is continually trying to pedal outside services such as lighting candles to prevent negative happenings, preying on your guilt or grief in personal tragedy, or other similar nonsense, it has nothing to do with astrology. An honest astrologer will not go down that negative path. I have run into people who have needed help with such unnecessary negativity in their lives and have helped them as part of my service as a human being. This help was not astrological in nature. To me it was necessary and healing in nature. Choose carefully those you allow into your mind and life. Choose carefully what kind of an astrologer you will become because you have the potential to profoundly influence another person's life and choices. ABC - Always Be Credible.

Information Flow - Astrologers should be able to tell you about yourself and your life without the information pump being primed. I do not believe a reading would be valid and honest if I were to ask you a bunch of questions first or allow you to load me down with information. If I am any good at what I do, I really should not need to do that. I might choose to question an either/or conundrum in the middle of a reading, such as "It could be this or that, how do you see this working in your life?" If you feed me information and I feed it back to you as a reading, it is simply not honest. I ask clients not to volunteer information about themselves and their lives and to allow me to generate the information from the wheel itself. That way I know I am getting the information from the patterns and not prior knowledge of the person. I can't stop people from talking and telling me personal information I would rather not know, but I do try, My solution? I ask my clients if they want to hear their voice or my voice on the tape recording of our session. That is a good illustration of my desire for the cleanest possible reading. Oh...the answer is yes, I do tape my readings. I speak very fast for probably an hour or more and that is difficult to take in with one run-through. As the reading progresses, more and more of the individual is revealed through the reading process and that is natural. Just don't initially prime the information pump whether you are being read or if you are giving a reading.

Credentials - What about credentials? It is possible to go through standardized astrological testing to establish credentials as to your skill. There are several organizations who can administer such tests should you choose and these tests are quite difficult. I know very good astrologers who never bothered to be tested and some equally as good astrologers who did go through the testing procedure. The choice to do or not to do is always individual. A problem would occur if one group decided their way was the only way. But then again astrologers are still considered to be of the human species so there is nothing unusual about the ego running away with the mouth, is there? If you choose an astrologer to read for you, know that passing such testing simply specifies that an astrologer has a grasp and comprehension of the basics of astrology which truly is a great basis for an astrologer. As I said before, proof of skill will always be in the readings themselves.

Psychic or Astrology - Are you psychic as well as an astrologer and want to blend those skills? Astrological skill is very different from psychic sensitivity. I practice and teach both so I do understand the distinction. Psychic stems from an emotional, instinctive or feeling basis and astrology stems from an intellectual, intuitive or reasoning basis. From my perspective, if you are psychic you can apply that skill to any level of your life and it should be a benefit to you and others (if you are reasonably accurate). Psychic has nothing to do with astrology per se, but can be as useful in that context as well. My personal astrologer was both psychic and a good astrologer and successfully blended those skills. Personally I keep those skills separate at least most of the time. My choice. Do you want a purist to read for you as a psychic or an astrologer or are you comfortable with a merged skill set?

These are a few of the issues that you will encounter as you choose an astrologer for yourself or choose to act as an astrologer for others.

Marilyn Muir, author, "Presidents of Hope and Change: Bringing Hope to our Future by Reaching into our Astrological Past." How astrology predicts our nation's future by reaching into our past.

Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama... The Lineage of Hope Using the influential and interwoven cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto to predict issues and trends up to 2012 and even beyond to 2025, Ms Muir leaves us with the clear message of hope as she depicts the future of President Obama at the helm of the USA ship of state.

Read the first 36 pages (PDF) including the charts of all four Presidents - you'll get hooked!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Astrology, Numerology & Compatibility - Why You Need to Scrutinize a Lot More Than Just Sun Signs

Instead of considering only astrological Sun signs,

we believe that the comprehensive astrology and

numerology charts must be scrutinized if one wants

to consider true personality, compatibility, and

personal timing (prediction and forecasting).

Also, thorough handwriting analysis done by a well-

trained professional adds a great deal of additional

insight about subconscious character, much of which

that can't be found through modern, psychological


On the surface, you may think you have great astrological

compatibility on paper with two seemingly easy-going,

compassionate people (signified in part, for example, by

both having an abundance of Pisces and Cancer energy).

However, it's discovered that one has very compressed,

narrow, extreme right-slanted, sharp, angular, heavy

pressure script with rigid baselines and downward slanting,

weak-ending, pointed letter t-bars. Plus, strong patterns

of over-balanced "8" and "1" energy are found in the

comprehensive numerology charts. All of this with

other corroborating information alerts the analyst to

the strong possibility of that person being a domineering


The other person's comprehensive charts involve, in

part, lots of under-balanced "2" energy which suggests

dependency and self-deprecation. In support of these

notions, that person's script includes martyr/victim traits

such as small overall script size, light writing pressure,

close word spacing, excessively rounded and immature-

looking writing, droopy rhythm and connectives

between letters, pinched circle letters, low and weakly

crossed letter t-bars back to the left instead of to the right,

and x-formations where the letter x is not present.

In this case, a surface astrology interpretation would

unfortunately leave open the potential for a very toxic,

if not dangerous match.

An aside, psychology was not part of astrology until

about 100 years ago. The approximately 2000 year

tradition of the science of astrology involves mostly

prediction instead of psychological character analysis.

Unfortunately, in our view, most astrology found today

in print or on-line is primarily modern, psychological

astrology, and involves a frivolous and distorted

approach to the science.

Astrology that's largely for entertainment only

(although usually not presented as such) includes,

for example, Sun or Moon sign horoscopes, and

readings done by astrologers who commonly promote

falsehoods such as, "...(numerology or) astrology isn't

predestination or things play out is going to

be up to you," stated to cover a refusal to do in-depth

delineation, or mask an inability to do accurate


Some popular modern astrologers even go so far as to

offensively suggest escapism, wishful thinking, self-

fulfilling prophesies, and a failure to take responsibility

for one's actions and life in response to the idea that

some astrologers and numerologists (like us) say it's

possible to measure and outline personal fate (i.e.,

impart the general inclination of fate, and frequently,

even precise future circumstances and events). Worse,

they deny that fate exists, and also deny the reality

that varying degrees of unavoidable adversity (which

is also measurable) in people's lives serves a divine


The truth is that their form of astrology or numerology

isn't about predestination or fate and that original ancient

predictive astrology and numerology are absolutely about

predestination and fate.

It's ironic how fully embracing the concepts of karma and

fate is directly related to taking responsibility for one's

actions and that much of the modern astrology found

today offers mainly an escape from the hard realities of


Reviewing Sun Signs, Moon Signs, or any other individual

aspect without considering the rest of the charts' contents

and patterns within those charts, will only give you surface

insight. It tells you virtually nothing about the reality of the

personality, or the compatibility between you and another


For example, the Sign of Aquarius is considered to be

relatively harmonious with the Sign of Sagittarius. If

you select ten random people with Aquarius Sun Signs

and match them with ten people with Sagittarius Sun Signs,

it's entirely possible that none of them will get along with

each other. It's also entirely possible that all of them will

get along.

The best romantic matches for a Libra Sun and Cancer

Moon combination, for instance, depends entirely upon the

health of the respective planets (strong and well, or involving

afflictions including planets in detriment, badly aspected

planets, weak house placement, retrogrades, etc.), their

rulers and the health of those rulers, along with the rest

of the several hundred aspects, and patterns comprised

of those aspects, throughout the comprehensive charts

of each person.

It's possible for a person with a Libra Sun and Cancer

Moon, for example, to have wonderful compatibility with

a person with an Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon, both


Oppositions are commonly considered to involve poor

compatibility, but sometimes very close oppositions

(opposing planets that are very tightly aspected by a

degree or two, within the compatibility charts) offer

more reward than challenge, especially if the remaining

composite contents are harmonious.

Oppositions are as follows:

Aries is opposed to Libra.

Taurus is opposed to Scorpio.

Gemini is opposed to Sagittarius.

Cancer is opposed to Capricorn.

Leo is opposed to Aquarius.

Virgo is opposed to Pisces.

Conjunctions, same sign combinations, represent

intensification of the sign's energy, and is sometimes

positive and sometimes negative. Generally, it's a

"hard" aspect, and not as easy flowing as trines and


Although we feel that modern astrology places too

much emphasis on Ptolemaic aspects, it's good to

have an understanding of them.

The basic, major Ptolemaic aspects include oppositions

(180 degree angle), conjunctions (0 degree angle),

squares (90 degree angle), trines (120 degree angle),

and sextiles (60 degree angle).

Square aspects are combinations of signs that are of

different elements (see below), like Taurus with Leo,

and generally indicate challenge and tension. Trine

aspects are combinations of signs that are of the same

element, such as Scorpio with Pisces (both water), and are

generally agreeable. Sextile aspects are combinations of

signs that are of compatible, but different, elements such

as Cancer with Virgo, or Leo with Libra, and are also

generally favorable.

If you accept the trivial approach of reviewing only the

Sun and Moon signs, which might offer a preview at best,

then it's good to look at the elemental combinations of the

signs for some basic awareness.

On the surface, fire and air are harmonious, and earth and

water are harmonious. In addition, each element commonly

mixes well with itself (fire and fire, etc.).

Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

A surface approach will involve Libra Sun, Cancer

Moon compatibility with an air or fire Sun, along with

a water or earth Moon, but that's just the beginning.

If you want to go a little deeper, yet still not get into

comprehensive analysis, considering the nature of the

sign is also helpful (Fixed, Mutable, or Cardinal), as is

considering the masculine or feminine nature of the sign

(fire and air are masculine, and earth and water are


We also strongly recommend contemplating each

person's personal timing when considering compatibility.

Personal timing, comprised of scores of short, medium,

and long-term continuous and non-continuous numerological

and astrological cyclical timing methods, regularly

symbolically makes or breaks relationships. The collective

cycles can be divided into groups that are the basis for

pattern recognition.

Two people can seemingly have nothing in common aside

from their current personal time cycles (some as short as

a day, others as long as many years), and when those

time cycles change, the relationship changes, or even


It should be noted that we understand that it is possible

for someone who has strong, solid psychic ability and a

good, general understanding of astrology to successfully

use Sun and Moon signs exclusively as psychic touchstones.

But few have this talent where they can get consistent,

accurate reads without a comprehensive approach.

Again, an astrologer must consider all comprehensive

charts in determining compatibility, along with the

comprehensive timing charts, and not just the Sun and

Moon signs if one really wants to uncover existing

compatibility. Again, we have found that you also must

consider the comprehensive numerology charts, along with

handwriting analysis (subconscious fears and defenses, etc.),

if you want a high level of accuracy.

A skeptic saying that they "...don't believe in astrology,"

to us, is a reasonable and understandable statement if

they have only been exposed to Sun Sign astrology,

which is the basis for most astrology horoscopes today.

Comparing Sun Sign astrology to an in-depth analysis

as referred to in the above paragraphs is like comparing

conspiracy theory half-truths to confirmed CIA intelligence.

Copyright © 2007 Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

Scott Petullo and Stephen Petullo are identical twins and have been exploring metaphysics since the early 1980?s. They are experts in the fields of prediction, personal fate, love life, and past life regression, and are natural psychics and mediums. Get their free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask before hiring Psychic.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Astrological Compatibility - The Astrology Of Relationship, Part II - Elements

In my article, Astrological Compatibility: The Astrology of Relationship, I laid out a foundation of understanding of how astrology can bring awareness to our relationships. In this article I would like to expand on that foundation and show how the individual elemental and planetary makeup of our own astrological chart interacts with that of others. In astrology we call this interaction "synastry", a beautiful word that is used to describe the relationship between the energy fields of two people.

If we look at "synastry" as a dynamic process, a constant flow of energy between two people, it is much easier to understand how the elemental and planetary energies affect our relationships. Like electricity, our relationships flow smoothly when resistance is low. When there is resistance or obstruction of the flow of energy between us then we experience breakdowns or "burn-outs". Astrology provides us with an unique "schematic" or map of how our energy may flow when we're in relationship with another. It also provides us with awareness of where we might "burn" each other out.

In "Astrological Compatibility: The Astrology of Relationship," I showed how the different signs interact or aspect each other. Basically I was speaking of the way Sun signs interact so this might mean that a person with the Sun in the sign Leo would find it more difficult relating to Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius (the Sun signs that are in challenging aspect to their own). In order to get a broader picture of how one would relate of any of these other signs, however, we would have to compare not only Sun signs but also the signs of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

For the sake of simplicity, let's just consider the so-called "personal" planets, the Sun through Jupiter. These six planets (actually the Sun is a star) are called personal because they are faster moving in the sky and affect us more on an individual level, whereas Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto move slower and tend to have more of a collective influence on our lives. Also, in comparing astrological charts of individuals who are close in age, it is much more likely that the outer planets will be in the same sign, thus minimizing the differences between charts.

Since any of the planets can be in any one of the four elements (fire, air, water, or earth), one begins to see how many different combinations of elemental and planetary expression are possible. For example, out of the ten planets in my chart I have four in the fire element, three in earth, two in water, and one in air. This is my "elemental make-up" and tells a lot about how I express my own energy and how I will relate to others.

As you can see, 70% of my planets are in fire and earth. I tend to be most happy when I am doing things, now! In relationship my greatest challenge has been to maintain my patience with those who I perceive are moving slower than me! I am usually at home and fairly comfortable in the emotional realm as I have two planets and my rising sign or ascendant (the constellation rising on the horizon at birth) in Cancer, a water sign. Of course the hardest element for me to operate in is air, as I only have one planet there.

For instance, if I have to read a manual for some sort of mechanical contraption I'll probably never get around to it. I am much happier if I can just rip open the box and start tweaking buttons and twisting dials! One drawback of not having a lot of air in my chart is that I rely more on intuition and emotion to make judgments and decisions and consequently have less objectivity than those who "specialize" in the air element.

Understanding your own elemental makeup is extremely important if you want to get the most out of your relationships. By getting to know your own strengths and challenges you will begin to draw partners to you in a more conscious manner. You would not believe how common it is to find couples or partnerships where one person is all fire and air (intuition and intellect) and the other is water and earth (emotional and physical). The couple or partnership are literally drawn together like magnets so that they can benefit from each other's "elemental specialization". This can be a great learning experience if it's done consciously but a highly co-dependent relationship if not.

In an astrological chart the elements represent basic forms of energy within us while the individual planets symbolize our basic expression of that energy or life force in all areas of life - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Each planet represents certain fundamental needs or urges that we all express to one degree or another. The way we express these fundamental energies characterizes what we typically call personality.

In other words, each of us has a desire to express our individuality and sense of self (Sun), to be nurtured and to nurture (Moon), to communicate fully with others (Mercury), to express love in relationship (Venus), to assert ourselves (Mars), and to expand our sense of who we are (Jupiter). Naturally we all differ in our ability to fully express our needs in these areas and that is exactly why astrology can teach us so much about how our basic needs can be met or thwarted in a relationship.

James Jarvis, M.A. is a transpersonal counselor, master astrologer, and LifeQwest? Coach who specializes in helping you "Create the Life of Your Dreams." Sign up for James' free bi-monthly LifeQwest? E-zine and receive a 12-page report, "Keys to Right Livelihood," plus monthly horoscope, coaching tips and special discounts on services.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Karma and Astrology to Understand Your Role in the Universe

Karma is something that practically everyone goes through in their lives. It is basically the principle of cause and effect where your actions determine what you receive. In other words, there is an equal and opposite reaction for all actions. This power can be described in many ways; it basically means that your present situation is a consequence of previous actions.

In addition to giving an effect to your actions, karma is also associated with your past lives where each time you are reborn, the energies associated with your previous lives play an effect on the type of life you are living now. It has a relation and association with astrology as astrology indicates the current karmic situation you are going through.

This is because the different positions of the different planets during your time of birth determine your life. In fact, it is said that your destiny is determined the day you are born; and nothing you do can exactly change much of what you are going through. The only thing you can actually do to bring some happiness in your life would be to use fate, free will and destiny to improve your karma and life.

When you use karma in your astrology, you tend to look for answers to why you in the position you are in now. This is in contrast to the fundamentals followed by conventional astrology where emphasis is placed in telling you what you are and where you are heading. With karmic astrology, you find out about the catalysts in your life and how it can affect and improve your life.

With karma and astrology, you look at why you are in the position you are in now, and thus looks for the answer to this question in your past lives. Though you may know what kind of a person you are, you tend to wonder how you reached here, and what you can do to change your destiny. You learn that your current life is not a random or surprise existence. You learn that your life is part of a cosmic evolution that has been going around for some time now where no one knows how many eons and lifetimes have passed in this cosmic evolution.

So now one tends to wonder how it is possible to read karma and astrology and the relationship that exists between the two. The main thing that has to be done is to take a detailed look at the natal astrological chart using the help of a past life perspective. There is nothing special in this natal astrological chart; it is a standard astrological chart with some additional information. However its interpretation is different from conventional astrology.

With karma and astrology, you view the astrological chart in spiritual terms and not in ego personality terms. This is because with karma and astrology, you know your own personality. The natal chart here is considered to be a spiritual balance sheet that gives information about previous incarnations. In fact, it is quite accurate and in most cases, quite literal.

With karma and astrology, you learn about rewards that have been introduced into your life from your past life. These rewards are available for everyone, but are different for everyone. With the chart you learn that you have some unfinished business in your lives, and thus the reason you are here today. Basically, you need a few lifetimes to complete your business, according to this astrological wisdom.

These are the reasons people are so much interested in, and believe in karma and astrology which has such an interesting part in your lives today.

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for,, and