Sunday, April 29, 2012

Will I get transferred out of Pune?

This question was asked by Male Jataka on 20/6/2003 in Pune. Time was 8:45PM. I asked him to concentrate on the question and give KP number between 1 to 249. So he gave 133.

I erected Horary chart for KP number 133 at 8:49PM.

transfer from pune


CSL of 10th house is not retrograde, and its star lord is also not retrograde. Also if it signifies 3rd house then transfer is promised. Also at the same time if Dasa Lord is also strong significator of 3rd house, than Jataka will be transferred to another city.

In the chart, 10th house CSL is Mars. Mars in 4th house and is lord of 2nd and 7th house. Mars in Star of Rahu, so we need to see Rahu’s significance.

Rahu placed in 7. Rahu is aspected by Mars and Mars signifies 4 | 2,7 as seen above.
Rahu is conjuncted by none. Rahu is in star of Ravi 8 | 11
Rahu in Venus Rasi, and venus 8 | 1, 8 star lord Moon 5 | 10

As we can see, 3rd house is not indicated, hence we can say that transfer is not promised for this Jataka. But we also need to analyse Dasa.

At that time, running dasa for the chart was, jupitor – mercury – mercury.

Jupitor in 10th house lord of 3 and 6. Jupitor in star of  Mercury placed in 8th house (tension, stress) and lord of 9 and 12.

Antardasa lord Mercury 8 | 9 , 12 in star of  Moon placed in 5th house and lord of 10th house.

Vidasa Lord Mercury same as above.

It seems that the present bhukti is strong significator of 10th house and also 10th CSL in horary chart signifies 10th and 11th house. These house denotes Promotion in job.

Hence we concluded that the Jataka will not get transferred outside Pune and is likely to get promoted.

Result: This Jataka was transferred and promoted to a very important post in Pune itself.

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Tags: astrology, chart, horary, job, jyotish, kp, krishnamurty paddhati, kundali, kundli, patrika, Predictions, profession, promotion, transfer, transit

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Jul 20, Astrology Basics - Planets

Astrological Planets - The Sun The Sun   Wherever the Sun is in a chart, that area is brightly illuminated. The Sun in a person’s chart often represents the person’s self-image and how they reinforce that self-image. When someone says they are a particular Sign, they are usually referring to their Sun Sign (the Sign the Sun was in when they were born). The Sun is usually considered the single most important Planet in a chart.

Astrological Planets - The Moon The Moon   Usually considered second only to the Sun in importance (and sometimes considered more important), the Moon represents a person’s emotional nature. While the Sun may represent how a person thinks about or sees him or herself, the Moon represents a person’s “gut reactions.” The Moon can also describe the relationship between the native and his or her mother.

Astrological Planets - Mercury

Mercury   The fastest-moving Planet, Mercury shows how a person communicates and reasons. Mercury can also indicate how the person deals with change.

Astrological Planets - Venus Venus   The Planet of love and beauty, Venus often talks about what makes the person comfortable. Venus can show how a person experiences romance, as well as the things in life the person is inclined to value (or “love”). In a man’s chart, Venus will often show how he views women, and what kind of impact women will have on his life.

Astrological Planets - Mars Mars   The Planet of action, Mars indicates how a person gets what he or she wants, as well as how the person deals with stress. In a woman’s chart, Mars will often show how she views men, and what kind of impact men will have on her life.

Astrological Planets - Jupiter Jupiter   This Planet represents a person’s free lunch. Wherever Jupiter is in a person’s chart, that person will tend to enjoy good luck and easy success in that area. Occasionally, Jupiter can represent overexpansion or overindulgence.

Astrological Planets - Saturn Saturn   This is the Planet of limitations and responsibility. Wherever Saturn is in a person’s chart, it will indicate where the person has to show up and be responsible, where they have to “get serious” if they want to succeed. Sometimes, Saturn represents a major obstacle in the person’s life. Saturn can also describe the relationship between the native and his or her father.

Astrological Planets - Uranus Uranus   The Great Awakener, Uranus is the Planet of unpredictability. Wherever Uranus is in a person’s chart, abrupt changes and opportunities to learn from experience will manifest in that area.

Astrological Planets - Neptune Neptune    Wherever Neptune is in a person’s chart, it shows where in life the person tends to navigate by intuition rather than by reason. Neptune’s Aspects—the relationships between Neptune and other elements of the chart—are especially important in discerning Neptune’s influence, because they can show when and how far intuition should be trusted.

Astrological Planets - Pluto Pluto   The Planet of death and transformation, Pluto indicates where negotiation and compromise do not work for the person, or where the person has to change something fundamental in his or her life.

These are the ten Planets almost every modern astrologer works with. Even though astronomically, Pluto has lost it's planet status, it's still used by astrologers as a planet. 

There is a lot more that could be said about any—and all—of them. This article is meant only to provide a brief glimpse—a “taste”—of each.

Also, it is important to note that there are other elements—other ingredients—some astrologers prefer to have pictured in a chart, which occupy the same area in the chart as the Planets. 

These can include planetoids (Chiron), asteroids (Hera, Athena, etc.), fixed stars (Arcturus, Rigel, etc.), Planets that have not been discovered by astronomers (Zeus, Poseiden, etc.), even Positions...points in the chart with no physical reference such as the Lunar Nodes or Arabic Parts (the Part of Fortune being the most commonly used). 

I bring these up simply to let the reader be exposed to the terms, and know that all of these are beyond the basics that are necessary to read a natal chart (and also to give readers who are interested in a more in-depth study of astrology further starting points).

The next article will talk about the final class of distinct ingredients in a chart: The Houses and their Cusps.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why astrology is not a science?

Why astrology is not a science?

Eyebrows raised? read the question again.

There are mis-beliefs more than beliefs about astrology. But still people visit astrologers for solutions on their problems when all other scientific methods fail. These mis-beliefs starts from the moment they read their birth horoscope casted by some family astrologer or printout taken from some astrology software in a cybercafe, that has predictions about one’s life. When people compare these pages with their real-life events and understand that events happened in their life does not matches with their birth horoscope, its natural for them to come to this conclusion that Astrology is not a science and more over its not perfect at all. But then one should think about this again.

If its not a science then why it has lasted for so many centuries. Nothing is immortal in this world. The things, technology, culture, lifestyle, fashion that does not fits in this world, which is not perfect has not lasted for so long. Even scientific theories that were considered correct were proven wrong afterwards and were changed. If astrology is not a science and perfect in its sense, then how it has survived for so long?

A patient dies in the hospital in spite of good medical treatment. Cause may be, doctor’s mis-diagnosis of a disease, his mental and physical health not supportive for medicines and treatment or may be no cure has been found till date for the disease. But then nobody blames the Medicinal Science. People blame the doctor or the company that manufactured the drug or the management of the hospital but have you heard anybody saying that this science of life, drug, medicine is fake and its not a science at all?


Then if some Jyotishi’s (astrologer’s) prediction fails then how a complete Astrology can be wrong and blamed for. Actually its the astrologer who has failed and not the astrology. The reasons of failure can be wrong methods, wrong data used to calculate and cast horoscope, or even the timings could be wrong.

All technologies, sciences are based on maths. Maths is also behind drug formulation and genetics. Its behind aeroplanes, cars, space shuttles. Even a planet (Pluto) was discoverd only on the basis of maths. After deciding its location, based on mathematical computation, it was accurately seen at that location from telescopes. Similarly, maths is the core of astrology. Without mathematical computation one cannot erect/cast a correct horoscope. Panchang’s (Ephimeries) used in erecting horoscopes perfected with the help of mathematical calculations only. “Aynamsha” used to convert sayan charts to nirayan charts is nothing but the speed with which Axis of the earth is declining each year and is mathematically computed correctly. Rahu, Ketu are considered as the nodes in Astrology, and they are are defined as the intersection points between axis of rotation of earth and axis or rotation of moon.

If Astrology is based on Maths and Astronomy, then how can one say that this is not a science. I agree that, similar to other scientific theories required more research and were perfected or agreed upon by the masses only after thorough research, further research is required in Astrology as well. But, very few mathematicians and modern highly educated scholars, do this.

Let me give you one present day example. A research is going on, on a BIG-BANG theory by spending enormous amount of money and human efforts. But, consider the fact that still Big-BANG is just a theory and not a proven reality. When people are willing to spend so much money and efforts just to check whether, this theory is correct or not, why occult science like Astrology is left aside?

In my next post I’ll try to present my thoughts on “Why horoscopes give wrong predictions?” or “Why Astrologer fails?”

I also request your comments and views on this subject matter.

thanks and regards

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Tags: astrologer, astrology, astronomy, ephimery, horary, jyotish, kp, krishnamurthy, krishnamurty paddhati, kundali, kundli, maths, nirayan, occult, panchang, patrika, prediction, Predictions, science, vedic

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Friday, April 20, 2012

Desire of second child..

When i was in Nashik for a holiday, one of my mother’s friend asked me about her Sister staying in Patna. Her sister wanted a second child but there wish was not getting fulfilled for a long time. I told her that let her sister ask me this question on phone and then I’ll do astrological analysis of it. She did as I told and her sister asked me this question next day.

I returned back to Pune and after some days, when I got time, I erected the time chart for her question. The date was 31st January 2005 and time was 10:09 AM. The analysis of the chart is as follows:

In horary chart, cancer is in 5th house, signifying her wish of motherhood. Also moon placed in 7th house depicts second child (3rd from 5th). Hence the chart signifies her strong wish for motherhood and second child.Ascendant is Pisces and ascendant lord Jupitor placed in 7th house is aspecting ascendant. Strong Ascendant fulfills wish.Sub-lord of 5th house is Mercury is in Sun star. Mercury and Sun both placed in 11th. Hence Mercury is strong significator of 11th (fulfillment of Desires).Mercury is aspecting 5th house and Jupitor (significator of motherhood) is also aspecting mercury and 11th house with his 5th Aspect.Jupitor placed in 7th house (second child)Mercury is also sub-lord of 11th house (fulfillment of desires and gains)

Above points in the chart strongly signify that She will be blessed with second child as desired.

Child When? That can be predicted by studying the Dasa’s.

Mahadasa Lord Moon signify 7, 5. Moon in self star. Its sub-lord Venus in Sun star and Sun is placed in 11th house. As moon is placed in self star, he is strong significator of 7th (second child) and 5th (motherhood) houses. Also Jupitor is in conjunction with Moon. Jupitor and Moon both placed in 7th house. Jupitor is placed in Mars Star and Mars is significator of 2nd (family) house due to Mars sign at 2nd house.

Hence it can be concluded that Child birth will happen in Moon Dasa. Moon Dasa ends 1/1/2006.

Before proceeding further I took ruling planets on 11:36AM and they were as follows:

Asc. Star =  Ketu,L = Mars ( rahu in mars sign)S = MoonR = MercuryD = Moon

First Antardasa is of Venus, but since, Venus was not present in ruling and also Venus was significator of 6th (loss for 7th house), I ignored it.

Next Antardasa is of Sun and Sun placed in 11th house. Sun is placed in Shravan Star of Moon (care taking child) and Moon is strong significator of 5th and 7th. Jupitor from 7th house is aspecting Sun and 11th house. As Sun is strongly signifying Child and Motherhood, I decided to took Sun, although it was not present in the Ruling.

Sun Antardasa from 1/7/2005 to 1/1/2006

Now for Vidasa, I had to select either of Mars or Rahu and Ketu, as these were in Ruling. As per KP, nodes are stronger than planets.
Mars is in 9th house and its Signs are at 2nd and 9th house. Mars is placed in Ketu Star. Ketu in 7th house and in Venus sign. Venus in Sun star signifying 11th house. Dasa period (25/7/2005 to 6/8/2005).
Mars and Ketu signify operation, abortion.

Next vidasa is of Rahu also in Ketu Star and significator of 7,2 and 11. Rahu is also present in ruling as Rahu is in the sign of Mars. Rahu Vidasa starts from 5/8/2005 till 1/9/2005

Selected Vidasa’s

Moon – Sun – Rahu – Mercury: 17/8/2005 to 21/8/2005
Moon – Sun – Rahu – Ketu: 21/8/2005 to 23/8/2005

Since mercury is present in Ruling and also sub-lord of 5th and 11th house, we got two periods. Also I was surprised with such a short time period as ideally 9 months are required for child birth. Hence I decided to look at Moons transit and I got the answer.

Transiting Moon will be in Sagittarius on 5/6 February. There it will be in conjunction with Mars in the chart (Moon + Mars = Menses). But there it is aspected by 7th Aspect of Retrograde Saturn. Hence She will miss it. Also on 7th February, Moon will transit from Saturn sign Capricorn and will be in 11th house and their it will be aspected by 5th aspect of Jupitor (significator of motherhood).

This created a doubt that Jataka must me pregnant when I erected this chart. So I called he sister in Nashik and told her to confirm if her sister is pregnant already. She was unaware of this so she called her sister in Patna ad to her surprise her sister said that today she got the report from doctor saying that her pregnancy test is positive.

I told her sister in Nashik about the two dasa periods of mars and rahu where she should take extra precautions and care about her and her childs health and ended the call.

Read the same article in Marathi here.

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Tags: astrology, chart, Child birth, childbirth, children, horary, jyotish, kp, krishnamurthy, krishnamurty paddhati, kundali, kundli, motherhood, nirayan, patrika, prediction, Predictions, second child, vedic

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Colours of Canadian Federal Elections 2011

This election appears to be all about which leader and the platform seems secondary. There has been little information about the other candidates, other than those caught doing something… On a purely subjective front, I must say I was most impressed with Elizabeth May, when she was interviewed by CBC. What a breath of fresh air… Ironically I received two voter cards, so perhaps the Universe is saying I can have my say twice. So I thought I’d take one last look at the chart for the vote to bring down the government and the one for closing of the polls on Election Day. The short version is that everything thus far indicates a minority government with some potentially significant shift in the number of seats.

On Election we still have half the planets opposing Saturn for Harper from Aries the challengers, Mars in Aries is in charge of the gang. Uranus for Layton has advanced rapidly since the election was called, and is well placed (at 2°50’ of Aries and in the 6th house of service and hard work, in the triplicity of the Sun (for the leader), which is in steady Taurus and in the bounds of Jupiter representing increase. So chances are Layton will gain ground; maybe even significantly—might even be enough to shock the pollsters.

So let’s begin by looking at Layton’s planet—Uranus; his recent rise in popularity is surprising most politicos, which is a concept right up Uranus’ alley. Layton talks about choice in his primary message, and that might be more of a Uranus (+Jupiter) concept. And on April 26, the headlines talked about Layton revisiting the signing of constitution by Quebec, which we know to be a separatist province, Uranus does rule separation from unions. This simply re-enforces my choice of planet for him. Uranus is in Aries and has advanced fairly speedily over the past five weeks. The unrest swelled and escalated in North Africa after Uranus moved into Aries; Uranus is the planet associated with rebellion but also with surprising turns of events, and in Aries potentially a different direction. So Uranus will be accountable to the Sun and in the bounds of Jupiter. So potentially not the main job but increase in seats is highly likely; and it may shock us all.

Jupiter is the planet I chose for Ignatieff for a variety of reasons; it opposes Saturn for Harper, and echoes his career choice as a professor/educator/intellectual before turning politician (not a career one, if we pay attention to the latest TV commercial). Ignatieff’s message is represented by Jupiter, the planet associated with expansion, higher education and moral ethics (natural keywords for the planet). Jupiter is in Aries on Election Day as well, ruled by the Mars in its own sign of Aries—thus putting in a feisty fight. Jupiter has advanced very fast and has now reached the position Mercury held on March 25. So he got his message across about why the non-confidence vote was necessary but the new information didn’t have enough air time. Jupiter is joining the well-positioned Mars, which reports to the Sun from a position of strength. Jupiter is also in the sixth house of service and has dropped behind…and didn’t quite reach that Mars…this does not bode well for him winning his wish of being the PM.

I googled Elizabeth May, and found that she was born June 9, 1954 in Hartford, Connecticut and became a Canadian citizen in 1978. So I have added green to the colour dial… she just might win her seat. She is a Gemini sun with several planets in Cancer… and her Mars is exalted in Capricorn—what strength. In the event charts I thought I decided that she was represented by idealistic Neptune. Neptune by election time has changed signs—this might give her that coveted seat in the Parliament.

Harper’s message is clearly represented by Saturn, controlled and conservative (natural keywords for the planet). On the day of the election, Saturn is in its sign of exaltation, Libra, moving backwards i.e. strong but losing ground. It is influenced by Venus in Aries, which is the detriment of the planet—not great. Venus takes her cues from Mars in Aries, where Mars helps put in a good fight. Saturn has just risen above the horizon on Election Day; it is in its own triplicity, which spells lucky and in the bounds of slow Mercury, which might spell that Harper didn’t get enough momentum going to get his wish. Saturn has strong opposition, thus it won’t be an easy alliance…

On Election Day at close of polls, the Sun is in charge of the top job and has pulled away from the pack…so potentially enough seats to win, but chances are the vote splitting is amazing this go-around. The connection between the Saturn and the Sun is a tenuous one, which might suggest there is a new leader for the official opposition… Voters are represented by the Moon, which didn’t reach the Sun either, suggesting that a majority was not granted by the voters.

The chart on the left is the non-confidence vote. There is a gang of planets opposing Saturn in Libra. In this chart the ASC, i.e. the Sun would represent the person presenting the non-confidence vote. The exalted Sun in Aries is flanked by Uranus and Jupiter, so with the support of the other opposition parties. I chose to circle the planets with the party colour coding following the logic of my previous analysis of the candidates charts, however I had to leave the Greens out because I have no information on Elizabeth May, if I had to make an educated guess, I would likely choose Venus/Neptune for her—it is with Neptune in the March vote chart and she was left out of the National debates…In the March 25 chart cast for 14:18 in Ottawa, the Moon’s final aspect is to Neptune, which is about to change signs… moving into a better sign—Pisces, which would represent higher ideals. Moon was out of bounds at the time so unable to make other connections, and the Moon is on the move to a sign that is worse for her from a mundane astrology perspective.

Seeing that the Moon’s previous bodily aspect was to Saturn in Libra, I do suspect that there were meetings where agreements about a course of action depending on different scenarios. The connection of the Moon representing the public is moving to form a union with the Node, thus the public might want a change in direction, and the voter turnout might be bigger than expected. Mercury of communication was hugging the highest point, ready to change direction. Canadians have wiped out parties in the past… our national Moon is in Gemini and we as a collective tend to change our minds as to what direction is important to us.

Might there be some kind of tie between the leaders or the parties. The Sun on Election Day represents the PM, whoever that might be…on the day the government fell, the Sun represented the presenter of the non-confidence vote. The Sun has pulled away from the pack…and there is a dark of the Moon. The Moon hasn’t caught up to the Sun, which might be a message that the voters didn’t support the leaders enough to guarantee a majority.

Even this logic leads to a coalition government. The only one of the three planets with extra dignity is Saturn, thus I must assume that Harper gets the first kick at the can.  We might see yet another election in about 2.5 years… no clear winners here. There is a subtle mutual reception between the Sun and Venus… the Greens might get a seat or two.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gemini, butterflies and Mars in Gemini

I just posted a column about Gemini and Mars in Gemini at — it is a rerun of a column I wrote in 2003. The horoscopes in it are updated. “Geminis are like butterflies fluttering from flower to flower, always looking for new tastes and new experiences; breezy and blithe not allowing life to stagnate as that fosters boredom. Read more by following the link above.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Majority or Coalition

Coalition is a Venus concept, because it is about the ability to co-operate. Ignatieff has Venus with Mars in Aries, the sign that wants to go it alone. Think of Sinatra’s song “I did it my way”.  The pair of planets falls into the first house for Canada, indicating that he believes he is able to be the voice of Canadians. He is a Taurus Sun, just like Harper and both men also have the Moon in Aquarius. Venus is in charge of the sign Taurus. I don’t see him really wanting to form a coalition; he wants to be in charge. At the time he was declared the leader of the Liberals, Juno the contract-maker was influenced by Pluto of control, power and hostile take-overs. Now that same energy is being influence by rebellious Uranus, and if he fails to meet the expectations of winning his majority, not a coalition, I think he will walk away.

Harper has his Venus in Gemini, close to the Venus in Canada’s chart. Gemini is an adaptable and flexible sign, less so when we remember the tenacity and obstinacy that are strong traits in a Taurus person. He would form a coalition more readily, as his planets strongly tap into the innate energy is the national chart for Canada. He would adjust in order to have the country on secure economic footing. Harper’s contract maker is in Libra, the sign of co-operation, which is currently under the influence of Saturn, which would spell out that he would form a coalition but under duress. If he ended up with a coalition, I suspect he might pull away from his leadership role within a year or so.

Venus in the chart of Canada is in Gemini and part of that problematic yod in our chart. It will work in co-operation as long as the ideals are met and the end result increases our treasury, but only when between a rock and a hard place.

At the election call, Venus was with idealistic Neptune in the sign that represents the masses… By the time the election takes place Venus and Mars will be together in Aries, the sign that wants to go it alone…

Harper’s Venus is with Canada’s Venus and his Mercury is with our Neptune—these are the legs of Canada’s yod. On Election Day the majority is in Aries, the Moon and Sun with Harper’s Sun… it is the dark of the Moon just before the New Moon the next day. The majority of the planets oppose Harper’s agreement maker (Juno) suggesting he won’t be making an agreement or forming a coalition. Could leap in two different directions with this statement, he will lose his advantage or win his majority.

Ignatieff’s Venus-Mars pair will be joined up by the Jupiter-Mars pair on Election Day. The Venus-Mars in Aries suggest an ardent need to bring about change. Jupiter-Mars in transit is about resolutions, settlement of conflicts and rebellion against partnership differences.  

I am looking at how the energy of the two potential Prime Ministers connects with Canada’s chart and how this might play out and naturally I need to discuss ethics and the planets that reflect that in astrological chart. So once again, more later…

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Little forward momentum Federal Election

When the election was called, the planet of communication and negotiations was getting ready to change direction having reached 23° Aries. It occupied the highest point in the chart of the moment, on that Friday afternoon. Aries is the sign that deals the best with moving forward and of course, aggressive, non-conciliatory and heated debate. Since the end of March the motion has been backward and the next change is not until April 23.

I watched an agonizing two hours of the National Leaders’ debate in English (don’t speak French), which I quite frankly saw as a shouting match. Unfortunately with so many planets in Aries and only Saturn in co-operative Libra as an astrologer I should have expected exactly that. The debate portion of the event was lost and with it an opportunity to engage the audience, who after all are each spending $10 per Canadian on the Election Process. The planetary power during the campaign and on Election Day continues to be heavily weighted in Aries. Aries has some wonderful qualities, but on the negative front it ramrods its way onto the scene, throws caution to the wind and then deals with what it finds rather than plans to set an agenda. Aries is the scrapper, willing to engage in a fight without too much preparation. Expediency is important and in terms of advertising, it is like those commercials, which say that my product is better than the leading brand.

So if we take Mercury to be the election talk, he is pulling backward symbolically returning to what was. The Moon is the public opinion and the pulls away by May 2 not quite reaching the Sun, which naturally would be the leading contender. Might the public throw its support behind status quo but not quite within allowing Harper to form a majority?

During this campaign Mercury will have been travelling the same ‘landscape’ at length—forwards and backwards—will anything change? Mercury will be together with Venus, making a connection to Harper’s Mercury and Canada’s Neptune.  Was it all in vain?

I have talked about Ignatieff and Harper and the prominent Aries energy in the two men, and I also wrote two peas in a pod back in 2008. For Harper logical Mercury is in Aries, which would appear well equipped to speak to what he thinks Canadians want, however, his Mercury is with his South Node, so he will always address his past record. Harper came across very controlled during the debate with his Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn; he played a very Saturnine, responsible and calm role. He stuck to his script; looked straight at the camera’s and was rather inanimate. After five years of watching him we didn’t expect him to be different.

Saturn is in Libra will remain opposite Harper’s Mercury throughout this campaign and he will be challenged primarily about fairness, playing by the laws and his personal ethics; or more so about whether he is playing fair and in an inclusive manner. The question is whether he is responsible, and can he play nice with the others. Saturn in Libra is all about balance, harmony and equitability. From that perspective it was interesting to hear the comment, that the Conservatives treat all of the provinces equitably. I was expecting him to use more words that belong to Saturn, such as responsibility, reality, etc.

Ignatieff’s chart is primarily about Jupiter, and that’s what we see and hear, a professor promising money for education and questioning Harper about his ethics. Ignatieff’s Aries planets are Venus and Mars together. There is strong passion and desire in this combo to be the number one and Aries is also known for its short attention span. Mercury reached his Venus-Mars by the end of March; the press he heard at the time might have convinced him that he can become the Prime Minister. His Mercury however is in Taurus—being quick to respond from a logical perspective is not his natural strength. Taurus is deliberates, contemplates and he potentially has many moments when he knows what he should have said. His Mercury of speech is opposite Jupiter in Scorpio, so he is more likely to promise things he cannot deliver (and knows this). Venus and Mars are in charge of his communication style and when pushed he will say what is expedient rather than what he really thinks. Ignatieff has his North Node is in Gemini, ruled by that ponderous Mercury thus he might think that he can talk himself into any position, and maybe he can.

On the day of the Election, expansive and convicted Jupiter and aggressive Mars will be together in Aries with Ignatieff’s Venus and Mars. It marks a start of something big for him… could it be a win or a post to another important position.

By the election the only ones to have pulled away from the strong pack of planets will be the Sun and the Moon, both will be in Taurus close to Harper’s Sun at about 9 Taurus. Harper’s birthday falls just two days prior to the election. Ignatieff, who is also a Taurus, will turn 64 on May 12, and the two pull- a-ways don’t reach the degree of his Sun.

Layton’s party has the least seats of the three majors, so is in an underdog position. He is a Cancer Sun individual with his Mercury in Leo. He has a Mars-Neptune pair in Libra more or less opposite Canada’s Neptune. Wonder if Canadians would prefer that he lead the official opposition? His Venus hugs Canada’s Moon and he really does care about what Canadians want. Based on just the connections, he would make the ideal opposition leader, keeping the others on track and addressing issues. Layton’s chart does top into the collective energies from a different perspective to that of the two Taureans. However, on Election Day the energies do little to encourage big gains—however I suspect these might be significant from some perspective that I cannot put a clear description upon. The Moon will be on Jack Layton’s Vesta exactly on the day. Vesta represents service without complaints and I expect people recognize or reward Jack for something on the day. So my speculation is that he will gain ground, not by becoming the prime minister but being able to broker deals powered by stronger voter support.

Well we have three contenders, and none of them have the charisma of Pierre Trudeau, who Libra Sun basked in our 7th house and whose energies tapped into the power to change and grow in our national chart. Incidentally his time of birth was 7:03 AM, October 18, 1919 in Outremont, Canada.

By the time the Election Day is upon us Jupiter and Mars will have reached that degree and Mercury will only hold a position it held March 19, when we knew the Electional call was merely a matter of time. On May 9th we will have Mercury at that seemingly crucial degree; might it take until then to declare who gets to form the government—perhaps recounts galore.

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter moves into Taurus June 4, 2011. I just posted a column with individual horoscopes on my website, find it at

Amidst all the earth changes, it is nice to concentrate on some beneficial energy. It is also nice to see the pragmatic, solid Earth energy gain some influence. My at a Glance for 2012 is hot off the presses and I will be posting a link to the sidebar in the next few days. For now it is featured at my website

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