LOVE MARRIAGES SPECIALIST In our society, inter caste marriages are not favoured generally. However in the modern era, caste restrictions are not followed stringently, therefore a lot of people are opting for inter caste marriages. In Vedic astrology, such marriages are not considered compatible and therefore astrological consultation must be obtained.This is because planets influence the success of all marriage HUSBAND WIFE DISPUTE A husband wife relation is one of the most special relationships in life as it is formed by marital union, which is considered holy in our country because it is the union of two souls. But like all other relationships it has its ups and downs because it is a great commitment on part of two people and destiny does not hold marital bliss in store for everybody at all stages of their life. DISPEL BLACK MAGIC Black magic refers to the phenomenon when supernatural powers are used to harm or negatively influence others. It is simply the opposite of various astrological techniques, prayers, and rituals which are usually done for a positive effect. People with wicked intentions and jealous notions use black magic to achieve their objectives and do not care if they are destroying other's lives. GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND BACK your loved one no longer in love with you or has lost interest in you? Or Have you lost your love because of misunderstandings and want him or her back in your life? Has your understanding with your life partner diminished? Do you love ...