Friday, February 3, 2012

Karma and Astrology to Understand Your Role in the Universe

Karma is something that practically everyone goes through in their lives. It is basically the principle of cause and effect where your actions determine what you receive. In other words, there is an equal and opposite reaction for all actions. This power can be described in many ways; it basically means that your present situation is a consequence of previous actions.

In addition to giving an effect to your actions, karma is also associated with your past lives where each time you are reborn, the energies associated with your previous lives play an effect on the type of life you are living now. It has a relation and association with astrology as astrology indicates the current karmic situation you are going through.

This is because the different positions of the different planets during your time of birth determine your life. In fact, it is said that your destiny is determined the day you are born; and nothing you do can exactly change much of what you are going through. The only thing you can actually do to bring some happiness in your life would be to use fate, free will and destiny to improve your karma and life.

When you use karma in your astrology, you tend to look for answers to why you in the position you are in now. This is in contrast to the fundamentals followed by conventional astrology where emphasis is placed in telling you what you are and where you are heading. With karmic astrology, you find out about the catalysts in your life and how it can affect and improve your life.

With karma and astrology, you look at why you are in the position you are in now, and thus looks for the answer to this question in your past lives. Though you may know what kind of a person you are, you tend to wonder how you reached here, and what you can do to change your destiny. You learn that your current life is not a random or surprise existence. You learn that your life is part of a cosmic evolution that has been going around for some time now where no one knows how many eons and lifetimes have passed in this cosmic evolution.

So now one tends to wonder how it is possible to read karma and astrology and the relationship that exists between the two. The main thing that has to be done is to take a detailed look at the natal astrological chart using the help of a past life perspective. There is nothing special in this natal astrological chart; it is a standard astrological chart with some additional information. However its interpretation is different from conventional astrology.

With karma and astrology, you view the astrological chart in spiritual terms and not in ego personality terms. This is because with karma and astrology, you know your own personality. The natal chart here is considered to be a spiritual balance sheet that gives information about previous incarnations. In fact, it is quite accurate and in most cases, quite literal.

With karma and astrology, you learn about rewards that have been introduced into your life from your past life. These rewards are available for everyone, but are different for everyone. With the chart you learn that you have some unfinished business in your lives, and thus the reason you are here today. Basically, you need a few lifetimes to complete your business, according to this astrological wisdom.

These are the reasons people are so much interested in, and believe in karma and astrology which has such an interesting part in your lives today.

Darren Williger is an over-caffeinated, low carbohydrate eating, winemaking enthusiast who writes for,, and