This video is from our 2012 conference titled: The Coming of the Solar Angels: Living the Science of the Soul. This conference was held April 21 - April 29, 2012 in Mesa, Arizona, USA. Michael Robbins provides us with the opening plenary speech: "The Coming of the Solar Angels: Living the Science of the Soul." Michael Robbins, Ph.D. in Psychology, Ph.DE in Esoteric Philosophy, is Co-founder and President of the University of the Seven Rays, and Director of the Morya Federation— Schools of Occult Meditation (the Internet expression of the USR), Michael (and his coworkers) has persistently sounded and sustained the note for sponsoring USR/SRI Conference, now in its 26th year. As a long-standing teacher of the Ageless Wisdom through the study of the Seven Rays, Esoteric Astrology, Cosmology, and Rayology, he has inspired students worldwide, some of whom have gone on to form their own organizations to continue the spread of the Ageless Wisdom. Michael is the author of Tapestry of the Gods (two volumes on Rayology), Infinitization of Selfhood (a philosophical treatise on the nature of Essential Identity) and is currently writing a three-volume treatise on Esoteric Astrology. His completed works are available for purchase and, are also available with a number of works in progress, online and free of charge. Michael's extensive commentaries on A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, The Rays and the Initiations and Discipleship in the New Age, Vols. I and II, and astrology can be accessed ...