The rhetoric is heating up, the advertising campaigns are difficult to avoid on Canadian networks. Not quite below the belt but… and then on the news the same sound bites and media clips on each channel. I don’t follow tweets, twitters, etc but assume that the same 140 characters are going out from each source. I have been driving around Surrey and Langley in the past week, there are prominent (big), and blue roadside signs for the Conservatives and lots of smaller orange signs for the NDP candidates. I have no idea who the Liberal candidates for the four ridings near our house are —the signs are absent from the landscape—the only red signs are for real estate agents. Incidentally there are no signs for Green party candidates’ either.
I am going over charts with a fine-toothed comb, the first one is that for Canada and where the emphasis is and what integrated patterns are formed. In our chart the Moon and Mercury (shown in light grey) don’t form major connections, thus are not particularly well integrated into our national identity. Thus they operate without input from the other planetary energies.
The blue planets belong to Harper, and we can see at a glance how his planets connect closely with those in our national chart. What is interesting to observe is that Harper’s planet of responsibility sits at the top of our chart; the position of the leader, manager or boss. The polls tracking this election campaign measure who Canadians would prefer as the manager of the country, Harper has 109 points, Layton is number two and Ignatieff holds third place. The top of our national chart and the Saturn in Harper’s chart, have been under ‘attack’ from Pluto, one of the agents of change. However, Pluto will not actually reach that position until late in 2012, signalling a change at the top ranks of our government. It does look as if Harper will retain his job.
Harper has obviously had some training in public relations and the stiff economist appears more confident and comfortable in his role than when he came on the scene. Harper was born April 30, 1959 in Toronto. His office informed me that he did not know what time he was born back in 2004. I have used a Taurus Ascending chart for him but concentrated primarily on the planetary patterns. I found a Canadian colleague using 1:30 AM for him based on his appearance. This would put his Aquarius Moon on the Ascendant and into his first house. I’d have to agree that this is a strong possible chart for the prime minister.
He turns 52 right after the election, these are some our most productive years. The cycles are not disruptive at that age. The next natural cycle occurs at around age 57.
So let’s look at Ignatieff. He was born May 12, 1947 and also in Toronto. His office did not bother to respond to my request for additional birth data. He will have his 64th birthday right after the elections. Naturally I am following the red and blue themes—so Iggy’s planets in red. He has Venus and Mars in Aries, potentially making a statement “I did it my way”. The sound bite in the conservative advertisement “only I speak for the Liberal Party” does echo the independent, potentially aggressive and at times self-involved Aries energy. At its worst Aries is about me and nobody else.
He has much vested in is intellect and intelligence and does have a quick mind; great for thinking on your feet. His Mercury and Sun connect with Pluto of power and control. The troubling connection is his Uranus, which has its notions about what radical changes are best for us with our Venus—i.e. our money; if elected prime minister, he would spend our money rather freely and our taxes would go up, our conservative Saturn in Scorpio is under Ignatieff’s Jupiter—the Santa Claus of the Zodiac.
When he became the leader back in 2008, he had trouble looking at the cameras, and came across as someone who could not look people in the eye. I continue to suspect he has Scorpio rising, those bushy eyebrows and veiled, yet piercing eyes seem to make that statement. It is interesting to observe the soft-spoken leaders in the commercials versus the atrocious shouting at the legislature…