Friday, October 28, 2011

My Thoughts On Astrology

Mysteries of the nature have always fascinated me. My inner has always been that of an inquisitive child who loves to ask as many questions about the nature of things as may be possible. Thinking of evolution, what I have come to understand is that the universe evolves, like a tree evolves from its seed at the time of creation, which contains all the future development and qualities within itself in a basic form. The growth and decline of this evolution can be measured with the help of time as quantities in the form of years, days and months etc. and the other aspect of quality can be explored through the science of astrology. Astrology then becomes a unique subject, which studies the most intricate problems of life in an amazingly integrated manner. Astrology basically deals with the quality of time.

When I was eleven years of age I started learning astrology at the feet of my maternal grandfather, Late Pt. Raja Ram Shastri who was a scholar of legendary stature. In October 2000, I started my own astrological consultancy under the name of Jyotish Anveshan Kendra and also started writing articles on astrology and other related fields.

The one question, which I have been asked most frequently as an astrologer, is that, " do you believe in astrology?" I think that I need not believe in astrology or disbelieve because belief is for someone who is not aware of something, I know that astrology is for real.

People are a confused lot today about astrology as they are told one thousand and one different things by some people who influence their lives in strange ways through print and electronic media most of which is trash. One popular fad today is attaching the title of Vedic scholar with one's name nowadays. One day I asked my maternal grandfather, Late Pt. Raja Ram Shastri of what he thought of vedic scholarship, he replied, " Vyakarana is one of the vedangas which will take 12 years to read it out alone and then it is to be mastered and then again it is only one of the six vedangas each of which is to be then mastered separately. After acquiring all this erudition, one only becomes eligible to begin the study of Vedas." What of the scourge of Vedic scholars today then? I do not think anything else need be said.

Under the inspirational guidance of my maternal grandfather I had also become inclined towards research work in the field of astrology. The questions that were raised against astrology in the name of science without any knowledge or investigation whatsoever in astrology proper made me determined to take charge opposite these so- called rationalists and scientists. Later I also presented a research paper on the scientific nature of astrology in the Third National Science Conference organized at NPL, Pusa in Delhi in feb. 2004. My research paper was also published in the NPL souvenir. Among the main problems that I addressed in my research paper were: -

1. Why is astrology required? Natural place of the astrology.

2. What astrology deals with?

3. The correct and incorrect systems of prediction in astrology.

4. Comparison of mathematical probability and astrology on the level of principle. Why astrology is a better predictive tool than mathematical probability?

Some experts in their respective fields like physics, chemistry, nuclear science, astrophysics and others deluded by what is known in psychology as the 'transference of skill' start condemning astrology without knowing even an iota of what is astrology. Such persons can be given no credibility in their views on astrology. Astrologers are doing no less harm on the other hand as they try to create a false aura of mystery around them and behave as if they have a divine persona and there are others who in the garb of modernism start condemning whatever they are unable to understand in astrology. Most of the astrologers have spread this misconception today that intuition plays an important role in astrology and calculations are after all just a means of stimulating your intuition. I do not agree with these people because if you go by intuition you do not need astrology because intuition is complete in itself and in the same manner if you go by astrology you do not need intuition because astrology is also complete in itself (if you know astrology).

What is practiced today is in fact a form of khichdi (hotch-potch) astrology in which zodiac forecast is widely prevalent, Sade- Sathi, Sign based lucky stones computerized horoscopes, computerized predictions and other forms of instant astrology which needs to be done away with. There is a great craze for computer horoscopes today but there is no awareness regarding its authenticity or otherwise. One day when I was sitting with a programmer of an astrology software I started noting down the calculations, which were programmed in the software. When I checked them I found that for combustion a fix range of 15 degrees was programmed in the software for every planet whereas the range of degrees for combustion vary with every planet and it also fluctuates which can be worked out with proper detailed calculations.

In my view, astrology is to be re- established on the pedestal of science (although it is already the most complete of all sciences), which can revolutionize the way we think and live.

Sonal Sharma is in the field of astrology for past six years. He is also engaged in research in the field of astrology and has presented a research paper on the scientific nature of astrology in A.B.V.S.-2004, held in Pusa, Delhi in Feb.2004. He is also associated with the website, which you can visit. His contact email address is

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Free Astrology - It's Easy And Convenient

The urge to know about the future is present among many people and astrology is one branch of study which can actually help out a person in doing that. Astrology basically consists of group of traditions, systems and beliefs in which the relative positions of the celestial objects can be used in understanding and interpreting about people and events. The internet is a wonderful place you can find a solution for almost anything and everything, you can find out all the information that you want about astrology or any other thing you want from the web. For those who are really interested in astrology and want to know about the whole thing they can find out the free astrology tips to guide them. There are several sites that offer free astrology tips and guides to anyone who wishes to know more about the subject.

Some of these sites that give free astrology have different interactive features that can help out even a novice. You can submit your charts and these sites will do a free reading for you. All you need to do is search for such sites, log in there and you can submit your horoscope there though the interactive features available on the site. There are also many other features present on a site that offers free astrology services to people who are genuine interested in the whole thing. Today there are several sites that allow you to make your own birth chart and based on that they will send you periodical predictions on several aspects. You just need to find out a site, log in there and you can have an access to all the free astrology information that you want.

Astrology was not that very popular at some point of time, when there were many bad things associated with it, but it was revived soon. In the present times, the advancements in the field of science and technology have made many things possible for us. And getting to know about your future and predicting things through free astrology has become rather simple. There are several online sites that provide free astrology information, numerology information, tarot card information and such other things to all those who are genuinely interested in astrology. In fact, different forms of divination are becoming so popular these days that several people are coming up with online sites to up inform people and discuss about all these.

There are several astrology software available in the market that can help one in reading their birth chart. If you have a computer at home, you just need to buy the software, install it and learn about the instructions to operate it. Now you do not even need the help of an expert or a professional to help you in knowing about astrology zone. It is very simple to operate the different functions of the software, and since all the things are explained in details you can do this easily. Now you can easily explore and try to find out what the future has in store for you.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Let's Get Down to Earth With Mundane Astrology - The Planets

The popularized form of astrology found in newspaper and magazine columns as well as on thousands of online websites can be considered introductory material. Since astrology covers all of human and worldly experience as potential subjects, the actuality of astrology is broader and deeper than sun-sign astrology. To initiate an understanding of astrology there is no better place to begin than with individual human experience, the generalities that are addressed in sun-sign astrology. We can each identify with some part of human experience and can personally identify with certain common traits or experiences.

Once we have a framework for such personal experience we can apply that understanding to a broader scope of world experience. This is what thousands of astrologers do worldwide every day. Astrologers build their skills through personal experience in reading then learn to apply those principles to the broader spectrum of experience.

For example we might move from astrology about a person to astrology about a couple of people in a relationship, or a group in relationship such as a family, a business, or even a rock band. A developing astrologer might focus on a specialty area such as health, business, corporate, or stock market, weather or earth movements, world events, cities, states or countries, politics or even karma to name a few possibilities. Basic astrological principles remain the same but each application requires the development of a new set of descriptions.

My recent personal research project was political stemming from my curiosity about the 2008 election process and the 2009 inauguration of our new president. In order to understand the country itself, I focused on the 13 primary points of the USA sky map as representative of 1) our country as an entity, as well as 2) the citizenry the country represents.

Those 13 points were the 10 bodies, the midheaven, the ascendant and the lunar node. How do you apply regular personal astrology to a country both as a stand-alone entity and as a governing body for a collective of people? It is not difficult to make the transition between personal astrology and other applications of astrology because the principles remain the same; only the words chosen to describe application of those principle changes. First of all, what is mundane astrology because my specific application of political or judicial astrology falls within this broad category?

Mundane astrology is the study of the mundane or down to earth facets of human experience. It has many avenues to explore but can be applied to cities, states, countries, weather, earthquakes and more. Political or judicial astrology would be considered a sub-category of mundane.

Planets and houses seem to be the main criteria for determining the reading for mundane application, with signs descriptive of mannerisms and attitudes. Aspects always are the why of any reading adding the planets' individual natures and qualities as malefic or benefic to the effect. For this article we will focus on the nature of the planets themselves first as a base principal and then as applied to the workings of a country, its citizens, and its government.

The Sun is the heart and core of our particular solar system and the title "solar" reflects identity. It is the giver of light and heat, therefore the giver of life to our system. The Sun is the central gravitational force that holds the entire system together or we would be space dust. Again, astrological principles remain the same only the words change. Because the Sun is self-identity in general it would represent what that country is at its heart and core, the country's national identity, the collective identity of the nation and its inhabitants, and how the country sees itself as that collective.

This would be the general character of the country itself. It is the pro-active (giver of life) principle of the country. As the central gravitational force as specific experience the Sun represents the ability (or lack of it) to be cohesive and "hold it all together." As the centralizing figure of a country, the Sun represents the head of any city, county, state or country. The title may vary from prime minister, to dictator, to king, to chancellor, or to president to name a few. Hopefully you can see the transition of words clearly.

My personal principles for the Moon are home, hearth, family, feelings, emotions, memory, reactive, protective, and nurturing. The Moon represents the citizenry itself expressing as a collective through emotion, security, clan and hearth, the "feelings" of the collective called the country, the reactive principle of the citizenry. We are creatures of habit singy or as a collective. We respond reactively out of our prior conditioning and experience stored in our collective memory. In general the Moon governs the nesting, self-protective, womb-like cocooning or need for food, shelter, safety, agriculture, and water sources. It also represents financial stability to the degree that it provides emotional stability collectively. When we are threatened economically, it registers on many levels, not just the dollars and cents of the threat. We become scared and that takes it directly to our emotional, self-protective, fear-based, reactive level.

Mercury represents the youth of a nation, the function of education and transportation, all forms of communication including the media and the press. This could be all forms of writing, speaking, literature, as early schooling. In its Gemini function, Mercury represents the collection of data. In its Virgo function, Mercury represents discernment and discrimination of such data. Politically, Mercury is also the immediate sense of neighborhood and local issues.

Mental collectivity such as speeches, opinion polls, local press and media, citizen drives such as marches, town hall meetings, and grassroots movements are therefore represented by Mercury. At times we are students, at other times we become teachers. First we learn the minutia of our lives, the nuts and bolts, and then we must progress to higher or broader teachings and applications. Mercury rules the base function of the learning process and Jupiter expands and broadens the process. The student will eventually become the worker and the teacher.

The image of Venus as voluptuous, sensual, luxurious, beautiful, and somewhat greedy stems from her affinity with the signs of Taurus and Libra. In general Venus in her Taurus expression likes shelter, food, water, creature comforts, luxury if she can get it, stability and comfort in her surroundings. Money and value are good with Taurus. Venus in her Libra expression likes people, relationships, associations, cooperation, and partnerships. Rewording those concepts, Venus represents the collective financial and monetary interests and social values of a country, wealth or lack of it, stability of the society and societal relationships. Venus also loves beauty and art in all its forms, therefore artists, entertainers, celebrities, fashion, society, enjoyment of recreational activities, and a country's women in general are represented by Venus.

Mars is the warrior in mankind and at times the lack of warrior-like application. Every front has a back. If you turn the assertion and aggression coin over you will find the opposite functions on the backside of that coin. If war-like is the face, then problems with that face are revealed on the backside. Sometimes Mars is merely divisive and challenging rather than aggressive. Mars as a planet represents the collective assertion and aggressive drives of a country and its divisiveness.

That would include all categories of policing including violent crime and weapons, militancy, including armed forces, war or police actions, machinery including industrial concerns (think of the industrial revolution beginning in the 19th century. Since not all countries are assertive and aggressive, Mars would still be the planet you would consider for countries that choose neutrality or a peaceful means to an end, or to assume a defense posture rather than an aggressive posture, the backside of its particular coin.

In order to physically get to Jupiter, man must take a giant step from Mars over the asteroid belt, which is thought to be the remnants of an exploded planet or possibly leftovers from the formation of the solar system. This is the "leap of faith" mankind must make as it turns its back on its "knowns" of the more personal inner space to reach into the unknowns of outer space, which appears to be colossal and primarily void. Expansion and stretching are Jupiter principles.

I mentioned in the Mercury notes that we move from the nuts and bolts of experience to larger and broader concepts of learning. Jupiter has to do with higher learning, philosophy that includes faith, religion, clergy, churches and the search for God, the law in general including attorneys and the courts, promotion and publicity, and expanded cultural relations. Jupiter makes us stretch, to expand, to reach for more, to have more, and to give more. It is not difficult to make the word transition to Jupiter in its mundane application. Also, the concept of philanthropy and the "cream of society" or the "upper classes" falls under its influence.

Saturn was the outer limits of the early astrologers therefore it represents the limits of society, how far we can go, and where authority or circumstance will not allow us to penetrate. Saturn rules form, contraction and boundaries, real or imagined. It can be the big rock in the middle of anyone's road. Saturn is organized, traditional, conservative, structured and therefore "rules" those issues in human experience.

Politically Saturn rules governments, institutions, bureaucracy, infrastructure, responsibility, systems, controls, governing bodies, and the body of law as control or form. Saturn is orderly, responsible and strict, the "letter" of the law as opposed to the "spirit" of the law. Saturn would represent the tripartite structure of our government, the judicial, the congressional, and the executive branches, each with its rigid format and governing issues. It would govern the responsibility and tradition of a country and its people.

The three outer planets were not part of the mundane or judicial astrology of the ancients. Uranus was discovered in 1781, Neptune in 1846 and Pluto in 1930. The roles each recently discovered body play are a work in progress with many astrologers following the old seven-planet rulership system and with just as many other astrologers using the newly discovered bodies as well. To use or not to use is a judgment call for any astrologer so you will encounter differing sets of mundane rules as well. If you understand the nature of the three recently discovered bodies, it will not be difficult to make good associations for their activity or rulership for a country.

Uranus was discovered during the American and the French Revolutions, not surprising since Uranus is the rebel in charge of the counter-culture and tends to be quite radical. It represents the element of breakthrough, lightning, earthquakes, explosions and surprises in human experience. It doesn't like conformity, structure, systems that bind or restrict, tradition, or any rule-bound system. It makes up its own rules as it goes and does not always have a better solution while it is busy exploding the status quo.

Uranus does rule large groups of people (humanity as a collective) such as associations or collective governing bodies such as a congress in general. Has anyone noticed that our current USA Congress is anything but cohesive and collective in nature as the maverick energy of Uranus shows up in all sorts of unusual forms and actions? Uranus was a conscious part of the development of the telephone and the connection between cultures. Uranus was prominent at the discovery of air travel and further expanded the connection between cultures. Look back at all the invention and innovation that developed over the 20th Century. What has the innovation of the computer done for us and for developing of our media? Look to Uranus for any innovation, invention, or breakthrough technology that effects us as a collective.

Neptune was discovered in 1846 just prior to the Civil War, a teeming period of hostility and confusion. Along with the discovery of the planet, photography and all that means to our current world came into being. There are actual photographs of President Lincoln who was assassinated in 1865. There was a flowering of psychic phenomena and religion at that time as well. Neptune was named for the mythological god of the sea and is naturally associated with all things oceanic and liquid, such as naval groups, petroleum and other chemicals, drugs, brewing and alcohol, the burgeoning art culture, glamour, theater, fantasy, and fiction to name a few. When positive Neptune is inspirational, tending toward spirituality as opposed to codified religion, imagination, humane activities such as charitable institutions and rescue work. When negative Neptune leads to confusion, illusion, delusion, scandal, lies, fraud, hidden or covert actions, misapplication or misdirection of words and deeds (if it is not the truth it is a lie). Sound anything like government at the moment?

Pluto was discovered in 1930 near the depth of the Great Depression in 1932, a desperate time for America and the world in general. This was the time of rampant crime, criminals and the criminal underworld, the development of nuclear power, and the rise of dictators and countries hell-bent on world dominance. Much was driven underground where it has built and festered like a hidden wound on the fabric of our society. As Pluto moves to oppose its original discovery point, so much of that which has been hidden has been exposed and is now surfacing as problems for today's society to solve.

As the modern 8th house ruler, Pluto rules financial and political power, big business, insurance, credit, power brokering, the criminal underworld, long-term health and financial issues, catastrophic experiences, ecology, and the environment. Does any of this sound familiar from today's headlines? Is nuclear power access a talking point in our world? Are there any dictators exercising their will? Are criminals making headlines such as the Somali Pirates, the Mexican drug lords, the out of control USA gangs, the Israeli spy and assassination network in Dubai, or the Yemen, Afghan and Pakistan terrorist training camps? Additionally we are touting an oxymoron: "clean coal", the product of an underground mine, along with developing gas and oil reserves and nuclear power plants to say nothing of Iran and North Korea's nuclear threat.

I hope I have illustrated how easy it can be to translate a basic astrological principle to a specific mundane or political application. The same is true of any other astrological principle to a different application. The change is not to the basic principle itself. It is a change to the choice of descriptive words only. We live in a complex world, but there are underlying themes that provide structure and coherence. If I were to do an overview of Grand Central Station in New York City, it would look random and chaotic. But there is rhyme and rhythm, a purpose and a pattern beneath what appears to be chaos that can reveal itself through observation. I invite you to look into the world of mundane astrology.

Marilyn Muir, author, "Presidents of Hope and Change: Bringing Hope to our Future by Reaching into our Astrological Past." How astrology predicts our nation's future by reaching into our past.

Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, Obama... The Lineage of Hope Using the influential and interwoven cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto to predict issues and trends up to 2012 and even beyond to 2025, Ms Muir leaves us with the clear message of hope as she depicts the future of President Obama at the helm of the USA ship of state.

Read the first 36 pages (PDF) including the charts of all four Presidents - you'll get hooked!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Charting the Basics of Astrology

Do you know the basics of astrology? Astrology is one of those ancient 'sciences' that a lot of people are still fascinated with, and yet they don't really know much more about it than what page of the local newspaper their horoscope will show up on. So what are the basics of astrology?

In this article we're going to have a look at some of the things you should know about astrology. First, we're going to look at what it is, and where it is believed to have come from. Next we'll take a look at what forms the astrological chart. Finally, we will look at astrology and the zodiac.

Basics of astrology: in the beginning...

Astrology is said to go back as far as the Babylonians in the second millennium BC, making it one of the oldest 'sciences' by far. The word "astrology" has the same Latin root (astrologia) as "astronomy", although both are now seen as being completely different in terms of their scientific validity. However, in the early days it would have been seen as being very much the other way around, with astrology having a strong link with religion.

What makes up an astrological chart?

An astrological chart is a way of following the planets, and includes the Sun and the Moon, but doesn't include the Earth as this is the point from which we view the other planets.

The chart is split into twelve 'houses' with each house representing an aspect of life. The houses are (in Latin and with their translation): Vita (Life), Lucrum (Wealth), Fratres (Brothers), Genitor (Parent), Nati (Children), Valetudo (Health), Uxor (Spouse), Mors (Death), Iter (Journeys), Regnum (Kingdom), Benefacta (Friendship), and Carcer (Prison).

The eagle-eyed of you out there may have noticed that ten planets, and twelve houses, leave two houses empty, but fear not, the two empty houses are considered to be areas of your life that have been mastered - in a different life.

The first thing studied on an astrology chart is the Sun sign, which is determined by the position that the Sun is in. The positions of the planets are studied based on the influence they have on the Sun sign. The Moon sign is last to be studied based on how it relates to the other planets on the astrological chart.

The most common astrological chart (in the early days) was the birth chart. The birth chart was used to show what the personality of the person was going to be like. A birth chart can be drawn up for someone later on in their life, but may appear not to resemble the person - this is said to be down to the fact that other events will alter a person's personality over time.

Where does the astrology and horoscope link come into all of this?

To start with the twelve signs of the zodiac have been linked with the twelve astrological houses: Aries (Vita), Taurus (Lucrum), Gemini (Fratres), Cancer (Genitor), Leo (Nati), Virgo (Valetudo), Libra (Uxor), Scorpio (Mors), Sagittarius (Iter), Capricorn (Regnum), Aquarius (Benefacta), and Pisces (Carcer).

This mixture of astrology and the horoscope (horoscopic astrology) is thought to have started in the Mediterranean in the late second or early first century BC. The horoscope is a visual illustration of the heavens and is used to interpret the meaning of the planets alignment at that moment in time.

What makes this different from other forms of astrology is the fact that it is more complex and includes other factors like the 'ascendant' which is the degree of the Eastern Horizon as it rises against the backdrop of the elliptic. However, that's taking this beyond the definition of 'basics of astrology'.

Simply put a horoscope is more of an up to the minute version of an astrological birth chart and allows for the current positions of the celestial bodies, whereas the astrological birth chart is routed in the positions at the time of birth.

There we have it, the basics of astrology. Obviously we could have got far more in depth about the whole subject and started covering interpretations etc, but you should know where you've come from to have a good understanding of where you're going.

We saw that astrology predates the horoscope; we discovered that astrology is primarily based on the birth of someone (or even something) and is used to show how they will develop in the future; however, a birth chart done on an older person may not match up with the person due to other influences on their personality. Then finally, we saw that a horoscope is essentially a way of adapting the birth chart, by incorporating other factors, to give an up to date version of their astrological chart.

That's an over view of the slightly complicated basics of astrology.

For more information that you just can't live without visit Alan D Paterson: The Blog

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What You Don't Know About Astrology - Planetary Retrogrades

Astrology is an experience that is as old as the universe itself. It is the study of the planets, moon and sun in our galaxy, their positioning in the sky, and that affect on Earth and its inhabitants. Astrology has been used to determine the behavior of people individually as well as collectively. It also has been used to determine when natural disasters will occur, and has even been said to have predicted terrorist attacks. But while most people know the basics of astrology, such as your basic personality traits based on your Sun Sign (i.e. Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, etc.) or even check their daily horoscope, which is based on planetary alignment on a particular day, many don't know the more specific aspects of astrology and how they affect our lives. One of the aspects that have a great influence on daily life are planetary retrogrades. But before we touch on the effects of this unique aspect, let's first visit the concept of astrology a little bit more.

What is Astrology?

Astrology, sometimes confused with astronomy, is defined as "a group of systems, traditions, and beliefs in which knowledge of the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters." Some believe that to know astrology is to know yourself. Often times, when an astrological birth chart (a chart that maps out the planetary alignment at a person's date, time and location of birth) is presented to someone, they become dumbfounded at its accuracy. But a birth chart is just the beginning of the wonder of astrology.

There are various aspects of astrology that claim to not only be able to accurately define who you are from past astrological planetary alignments, but can also predict the direction you will move in career-wise, who you are likely to have love and marriage with, and even if you are accident-prone, have an addictive personality, or even have a propensity towards violence. Astrology also is used to predict future events on a mass level, using the planets and moon to determine a generational tendency toward love, peace, spirituality, violence, growth, etc. One way the astrology is studied is through the various ways that planets have a large influence on our lives.

The Planets and Astrology

To understand planetary retrogrades, you must first understand a planet's astrological affect on a person's behavior. In astrology, there are actually 10 "planets" instead of nine. These planets are the Sun and Moon, as well as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - Earth is excluded because this is the planet we live on. Each planet embodies its own "personality" that in turn affects each human's personality. For example, Mars is viewed as the planet of war, and when a person is under a sign that is ruled by Mars (ex. Scorpio), then that person is said to have a tendency toward violence more so than a person whose sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of love.

Also, under the realm of planets and astrology is the idea that at different times of the day, month and year, as the Earth is rotating around the Sun, so are the other planets. As all of the planets are rotating and placing themselves in different positions around the Sun, some become more prominently influential to humans than others. For example, if we are currently in the month of November on the 15th day, we are being influenced most by the sign Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars. This means collectively, human kind might feel a bit more aggressive, passionate, competitive and ambitious - this is especially true for Scorpios. The basic idea is that planetary influence is very powerful, so what do you think happens when these planets that are already powerful when in their normal cycle appear to move backward? We'll find out be looking at planetary retrogrades.

Planetary Retrogrades

As explained earlier, planetary retrogrades occur when a planet appears to move backwards. This, of course, does not actually happen, but instead there is the appearance from the view from Earth that it is moving backwards, and when this happens, there is said to be a significant influence on the Earth's inhabitants astrologically. Basically, whatever was occurring on Earth before these planetary retrogrades, are now happening in reverse. This means happiness could lead to sadness, peace could lead to war, and love could lead to hate.

Depending on which planet is in retrograde, you could possibly see huge change in your life. This is because the planets rotate at such varying cycles around the Sun. The planet that seems to have the greatest influence on the planet due to its large number of planetary retrogrades is Mercury. Mercury is, of course, the closest planet to the Sun, and completes a full cycle every 88 days, as opposed to Neptune, which takes over 160 years to cycle. Because Mercury cycles so often, it typically has three retrogrades, as opposed to the other planets that only have one.

For some reason it is during the Mercury Retrograde that it seems things typically go wrong in everyone's life. You might lose your job or get into a car accident during this time. You might also find that your plans just don't seem to pan out, no matter how hard you work to organize them perfectly - your life seems to be completely out of your control at this time. It is not your imagination; if everything seems to be out of whack, it is possible that we are in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde. The other planetary retrogrades have significant influence, but not as much so as Mercury's, which is why many people cringe when they know it is coming.

All of the planetary retrogrades are definitely worth exploration more deeply, as well as astrology as a whole. Often times you can look at your life and wonder why you act the way you do, or why events occur in a seemingly coincidental fashion, but if you look at aspects of astrology like Sun Signs, planets, and planetary retrogrades, you might not only get a better grip on what has occurred, but also understand what might occur in the future - and who couldn't use that kind of guidance?

Jeffrey Meier at Jam727 Enterprises at blog offers even more detailed information on a wide variety of topics.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Astrology Basics

When you first enter into the world of astrology you will discover a complex system of planets, houses and signs. These components are the basics of what you see when you are looking at an astrology chart.

If you understand that the chart in front of you is a reflection of what the sky looked like the moment you were born it will begin to take form in your mind. Imagine floating on the earth through our solar system while spinning and circling the sun. Then imagine a circle on a piece of paper and you are in the center of the circle (standing on the earth observing) and within this circle you will place the planets.

The circle is dissected from left to right as the imaginary line of the plane of earth where you can see the sky above, the semi circle below will be what is being seen from the other side of the earth. The line that dissects the circle from left to right is called the ascendant descendant axis. The line that dissects the circle from top to bottom is called the mid heaven MC IC axis.

The circle is divided again with two more lines until we have twelve separate parts of the circle which we call houses. There are many house systems that have been developed throughout the centuries but one common factor is that there are always twelve houses. Each house represents a different part of out lives. When you are interpreting the chart and you want an answer about a specific part of life you will look towards the house that symbolizes that part of life as well as the planet that rules that house.

The planets are now placed into the circle. If you were born at sunrise the sun will be placed on the ascendant, which is also known as the rising sign. If you were born on a full moon and at sunrise the sun will be on the ascendant and the moon will be on the descendant, (sun rising, moon descending). The rest of the planets will be placed in relationship to where they are in the sky and each other onto the chart. The planets that are below the horizon, (under the ascendant descendant line dissecting the circle) are the planets that have already set (like the sunset).

The twelve signs of the zodiac are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Originally ancient astrologers had the signs lined up to fixed stars in the sky which coincided with the equinoxes. Now they no longer sync up with the fixed stars as they did in the past. Western astrologers begin (or line up) Aries with the vernal equinox; known in the northern hemisphere as the first day of spring. As there are 360 degrees in a circle each sign is allotted 30 degrees completing the circle with the twelve signs.

Now that you have a visual of an astrology chart the next time you out at night gaze into the sky. Perhaps you will see Venus twinkling or Mars with its hue, and the moon shining in her phase. The images that you study on the astrology charts will become more real and begin to take on new and significant meaning.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

What is a Horoscope-a Small Introduction Into Astrology

"I'm Capricorn, you're Leo, my mother is Taurus and the neighbor is Aquarius."

Does this sound familiar? I believe so.

Nowadays, most of us know our zodiacal sign and the interest we have for this subject is continuously growing. But how many of us actually know what a horoscope and a chart are?

The answer: few! This is why so many questions and interpretations get born, a thing that ultimately leads to the defamation of astrology. You don't need to be an astrologer to know some things about astrology, some elements that will help you.

This article was made for the specific purpose of explaining briefly and without details, what a horoscope is and what are the main components of a chart.

First of all, what does it mean that I'm Capricorn and you're Leo? The basic zodiacal sign we keep talking about is given by the Sun's position at birth. Therefore, I'm Capricorn because the Sun was in Capricorn when I was given birth. You can identify this when you make a chart. The chart represents the astral map of an entity (individual, community etc.) at a certain time. It contains a lot of elements that help at making a horoscope or an astrologic analysis.

For making a horoscope or an astrologic analysis you need three elements:

- The zodiacal sign

- The planets

- The astrological houses

At all this you can add a lot of other elements that bring more information.

The planets

There are 10 planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and they represent a certain characteristic of an individual, a certain type of energy.

For example, the Sun represents our basic personality, our ego, the conscious, while the Moon represents our subconscious and emotions. So when I say I'm Capricorn, I actually say that my basic personality has all of Capricorn's characteristics. But the fact that I have the Moon in Pisces, for example, makes my emotions similar to the zodiacal sign of Pisces.

The same way, Mercury represents the mentality, the way we think and communicate; Venus represents the feeling and the things we like, while Mars represents our basic energy.

The planets form between themselves many angles and relations. These relations can be: harmonically (those of 60,120,0 degrees) and un-harmonically (45,90,180 degrees).

The zodiacal signs

There are 12 zodiacal signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) and I'm sure you know them very well. They represent certain characteristics that have a strong influence on the planets. A Moon in Aries will be totally different then a Moon in Libra.

The astrological houses

The 12 astrological houses symbolize the activity sectors in every person's life. These are being calculated according to the hour and the place of birth. These can have different sizes (in degrees).

For example, the 7th house symbolizes the partner, marriage, contractual relationships etc. The 10th is the house of carrier and social elevation.

About the houses, there is an aspect that was a mandatory role: the first grade of a house is called cusps (or cuspis). There are 4 big cusps: the Ascendant (1st house), the Middle of the sky (10th house), the Descendant (7th house) and the Bottom of the sky (4th house).

The one most known is the Ascendant, which according to the zodiacal sign it's in, it symbolizes the qualities one must gain during this lifetime.

To make an astrological analyze, one must count all this factors plus a lot of others a thing that depends on each astrologer in part.

The idea of this article was to show you that each individual is unique in its own way and not all from the same zodiacal sign are the same. Also the prediction on TV or on the newspapers even thought they might be correct, don't apply to all during that period of time.

My name is Dan Ciubotaru and I'm the author of this astrology software. I'm a romanian astrologer , member of Romanian Astrologers Association and I'm currently based in Bucharest, Romania. My websites are:, and

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Indian Vedic Astrology & Horoscopes - Indian Astrology and Predictions

Indian Vedic astrology is perhaps the oldest branch of Futurology known to the human race. There are references about Indian astrology in ancient scriptures, Vedas and Puranas authored thousands of years ago in this part of the land. The first known treatise on Vedic Astrology is supposed to be authored by Lord Skanda the son of one of the trinities in Hindu religion, Lord Shiva the re-creator.Even today this treatise is available and stands testimony to the age of this branch of futurology.

Indian Vedic Astrology is known for its unique system of predictions and calculations. While western astrology basically follows the Sun signs and predictions are based on the the same, Indian Vedic Astrology takes into consideration the Moon sign, which is more broad, personalized and accurate. The signs of the zodiac being twelve the whole human race is divided into 12 equal divisions in other branches of Astrology and they are more of general in nature, the Indian Astrology make use of the Moon sign, and each Zodiacal sign is further sub divided into 9 thus making the calculations more subtle. Not only the zodiacal signs are classified according to constellations or 'Nakshatras' as it is called in Sanskrit, The placement of the planets is also considered from these constellations. Indian Astrology based on Parasara system the conventional system widely followed in India, and later on sharpened by celebrities like Varahamihira, is a fool proof system. There is no second work on astrology to match the Brihatjathaka authored by Varahamihira the legendary figure in Indian Astrology.

One of the ancient and popular astrologers of Kerala, Thalakkulathur Bhattathiripad had written a comprehensive explanation only on the first 10 chapters of 'Brihatjathaka" known as 'Dasadhyayee' since he was of the opinion that the whole essence of Vedic Astrology had been summarized by Varahamihira in the first 10 chapters itself in his monumental work.Today the Vedic Astrologers, of Kerala, the cradle of Hindu Astrology, follows the latter work of Bhattathiripad and another unique treatise known as 'Prasnamargam' the one and only comprehensive horary astrological treatise available today.

Indian Vedic Astrology apart from its unique system of prediction as explained above also follows the Dasa system based on the constellation of natal Moon in the birth chart to precisely predict the timing of events which no other branch of Astrology can boast of.In short it is one of the most scientific and reliable tools to have an insight into one's personality and future events or circumstances that could help ease the life of an individual and lead a more comfortable life if not a perfect one.

Raveendranath Menon is an astrologer, mystic and counselor of repute with more than 30 years of service to the society. You may consult him at Indian Vedic Astrology Predictions -

You may also read more about Indian Vedic Astrology at his Blog Raveendranath Menon's Indian Astrology Site